Determining exponential density and maximal encoding capabilities of a regular language Stavros Konstantinidis and Nicolae Santean} Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3C3 Canada,, nic.santean@smu.a The density of a language is the function that returns, for each $n$, the number of words in the language of length $n$. In the first place, we consider deciding whether the density of a given regular language $L$ is exponential. This question can be answered in linear time when $L$ is given via a DFA. We show that the same question can be decided in quadratic time when $L$ is given via an NFA. It turns out that this question is equivalent to whether $L$ is an encoding language: it includes $xD^*y$, for some nontrivial code $D$ and words $x,y$. Then, motivated by certain coding techniques for reliable DNA computing, we consider the problem of characterizing nontrivial languages $D$ that are maximal with the property that $D^*$ is contained in the subword closure of a given set $S$ of words of some fixed length $k$ -- this closure is simply the set of all words whose subwords of length $k$ must be in $S$. We provide a deep structural characterization of these languages $D$, which leads to polynomial time algorithms for computing such languages.