This report introduces BACOLIKR, a new event detection software package for the error controlled numerical solution of systems of one-dimensional time-dependent partial differential equations (PDEs). A novel feature of this package is that it allows the user to specify a solution dependent condition, called an event, and then the software will determine the point in time at which the specified event occurs. This feature is a generalization of the well-known event detection capability commonly available in state-of-the-art software for the numerical solution of initial value ordinary differential equations. BACOLIKR employs adaptive B-spline Gaussian collocation for the spatial discretization of the PDE system within a spatial error control algorithm. The event detection capability in BACOLIKR is based on its use of a modified version of the time integrator, DASKR, which implements time-dependent event detection within a temporal error control algorithm. BACOLIKR was developed through modifications of an earlier error control PDE solver, BACOLI. This report first provides an overview of the BACOLI and DASKR packages and then describes the software modifications required in order to develop BACOLIKR. The rest of the report demonstrates the use of BACOLIKR for the solution of a number of PDE-based event detection problems including solution layer-boundary intersection detection and solution layer merge detection in fluid mechanics models, critical tumor mass detection in a brain tumor model, steady state detection in the Cahn-Allen equation and the Gierer-Meinhardt model, and boundary event detection in a discontinuous heat flow model.