
Due Date: Friday, November 24
File(s) to be submitted: Pirate.java, Ship.java
Sample Output: SampleOutput.html
Starter Files:

SUBMIT   /   Check


The world of "One Piece" is filled with pirates who are led by their dreams. Each notable pirate is known by their bounty—the amount of money (Belly) which the World Government wants for their head. Pirate crews consist of members, each with a specific role. In this assignment, you will implement two classes, Pirate and Ship, that capture these concepts. Onward to adventure!


Implement the Pirate and Ship classes as described below:




You are given the A08Tester.java file to test your code. If you get the same output as in the sample output when you run the A08Tester program, then it's very likely that you have done everything correctly.

Grading Outline

SUBMIT   /   Check