18 Legacy C Library Headers>> cassert | cctype | cerrno | cfloat | ciso646 | climits | clocale | cmath | csetjmp | csignal | cstdarg | cstddef | cstdio | cstdlib | cstring | ctime | cwchar | cwctype 20 Specifically C++ Library Headers>> [10 stream headers>>] fstream | iomanip | ios | iosfwd | iostream | istream | ostream | sstream | streambuf | strstream [4 language support headers>>] exception | new | stdexcept | typeinfo [6 odds and ends headers>>] bitset | complex | limits | locale | string | valarray 13 STL Library Headers

This C++ Standard Library reference is abbreviated to contain only the most frequently used items. It implicitly assumes a Standard ASCII world (so there is no wide-character material), and it will probably be most useful to C++ programming students at "western" universities.

The information included here is not meant to be complete or definitive in any way, but more of a quick reference or quick reminder of what something looks like if you need to look it up in a hurry, and you've left your handy hard-copy reference on the bus. Thus, infrequently used functions (or variations of functions) and other entities may not appear.

The page contains a list of all 51 C++ header files that are currently (summer, 2007) either officially part of the C++ Standard Library, or regarded as being associated very closely with it, in the sense that they provide facilities that closely parallel those of the "official" headers, and can be used in much the same way.

This header list includes the 18 headers containing the (revised legacy) content from the C Standard Library, the 20 new "specifically C++" headers, and the 13 (even newer) headers of the Standard Template Library. The STL headers are given here for the sake of completeness, but all detailed STL information available on this web site is contained in other site pages starting here. The current page also includes a selection of some of the many data types, functions, and other entities available from some of the (non-STL) headers. Although it may not be strictly true, the average programmer is probably best served by regarding everything in all of these headers as being contained in namespace std.

As for the organization of this web page, note first that within any given header grouping, the individual headers are listed in alphabetical order. Under any given header, the entries may also be arranged in alphabetical order, but more likely you will find items (functions, for example) grouped in some other way (by related purpose, or by historical tradition, say). (For example, under <cmath> all the trig functions are grouped together, but not in alphabetical order.) This decision represents a compromise, of course, since an alphabetical listing provides quickest access to a function if you know what you're looking for. However, this reference page is meant just as much for browsing, to see what might be available, and for that kind of use other groupings tend to be more helpful.

Though full function prototypes are generally provided, in some cases (manipulators for example, and functions with complex and potentially confusing prototypes), it seemed more reasonable (and useful) to provide the items in "typical usage" format. See the string class, for example. This "typical usage" format will often include parameter names that consist of the type name of the parameter and a portion of the name to suggest parameter usage. For example, size_type_count might be used as the name of a parameter of type size_type that will contain a count of some kind.

The 18 Legacy Headers from the Standard C Library


This header declares the assert() macro. The header is unique in that it can be included multiple times to obtain different effects, depending on whether the NDEBUG macro is defined at the time of inclusion.

void assert(int expression)
This macro terminates a program if expression evaluates to 0, by printing a message to standard error and calling abort().
If this macro is defined (by the programmer) before <cassert> is included, then subsequent calls to assert() are disabled. A point of potential confusion here is that "defining" NDEBUG does not require actually giving it a value. So, it is OK to simply say
#define NDEBUG


This header declares several functions for dealing with ordinary ASCII characters (or, more generally, "narrow" character types). Note that, perhaps somewhat surprisingly, each function takes an int parameter and returns an int value. However, the actual parameter must be an unsigned char value, and though implicit conversion may work most of the time, it is better (and safer) programming practice to cast both the parameter and the return value to the appropriate type.

int isalnum(int ch)
Return true (non-zero) if ch is alphanumeric [equivalent to isalph(ch) || isnumeric(ch)]
int isalpha(int ch)
Return true (non-zero) if ch is alphabetic (an uppercase or lowercase letter)
int iscntrl(int ch)
Return true (non-zero) if ch is a control character (in 7-bit ASCII, a character with decimal code 127 or decimal code lying in the range 0..31 [equivalent to !isprint(ch)]
int isdigit(int ch)
Return true (non-zero) if ch is a digit character (a character in the range '0'..'9')
int isgraph(int ch)
Return true (non-zero) if ch is a non-blank printable character (in 7-bit ASCII, any character in the range '!'..'~', i.e., any character with a decimal code in the range 33..126)
int islower(int ch)
Return true (non-zero) if ch is a lowercase letter (any character in the range 'a'..'z')
int isprint(int ch)
Return true (non-zero) if ch is a printable character, including the blank space (in 7-bit ASCII, any character with a decimal code lying in the range 32..126)
int ispunct(int ch)
Return true (non-zero) if ch is a punctuation character (i.e., any printable character other than a blank space or an alphanumeric character [equivalent to isgraph(ch) && !isalnum(ch)]
int isspace(int ch)
Return true (non-zero) if ch is a whitespace character (blank space, newline ('\n'), horizontal tab ('\t'), vertical tab ('\v'), carriage return ('\r'), or form feed ('\f')) [Note that the backspace character ('\b') is not included in this list.]
int isupper(int ch)
Return true (non-zero) if ch is an uppercase letter (any character in the range 'A'..'Z')
int isxdigit(int ch)
Return true (non-zero) if ch is a hexadecimal digit character (any character lying in one of the ranges '0'-'9', 'a'-'f', or 'A'-'F')
int tolower(int ch)
Return ch converted to the corresponding lowercase value, if this makes sense (i.e., if ch is already an uppercase letter); otherwise return ch
int toupper(int ch)
Return ch converted to the corresponding uppercase value, if this makes sense (i.e., if ch is already a lowercase letter); otherwise return ch


This header declares several macros related to error-handling in the Standard Library.


This header defines macros that characterize floating-point types in the same way that <climits> does for the integral types. The native C++ header <limits> defines the same information (and more) using the (more modern) template approach instead of macros.

Macro defining the number of significant digits in a float value (always at least 6)
float FLT_MAX
Macro defining the maximum positive float value (always at least 1037)
float FLT_MIN
Macro defining the minimum positive float value (always at most 10-37)

Macro defining the number of significant digits in a double value (always at least 10)
double DBL_MAX
Macro defining the maximum positive double value (always at least 1037)
double DBL_MIN
Macro defining the minimum positive double value (always at most 10-37)

Macro defining the number of significant digits in a long double value (always at least 10)
long double LDBL_MAX
Macro defining the maximum positive long double value (always at least 1037)
long double LDBL_MIN
Macro defining the minimum positive long double value (always at most 10-37)


This header does nothing, and is present only for the sake of completeness, since every header in the C Standard Library must have a counterpart in C++.


This header defines parameters that characterize integral types in the same way that <cfloat> does for the floating-point types. The native C++ header <limits> defines the same information (and more) using the (more modern) template approach instead of macros.

Macro defining the number of bits in a byte (always at least 8)
Macro defining the maximum char value
Macro defining the minimum char value

short SHRT_MAX
Macro defining the maximum positive short int value (always at least 32767)
short SHRT_MIN
Macro defining the minimum negative short int value (always at most -32767)

Macro defining the maximum positive int value (always at least 32767)
Macro defining the minimum negative int value (always at most -32767)

long int LONG_MAX
Macro defining the maximum positive long int value (always at least 2147483647)
long int LONG_MIN
Macro defining the minimum negative long int value (always at most -2147483647)

unsigned char UCHAR_MAX
Macro defining the maximum unsigned char value (always at least 255)
unsigned short USHRT_MAX
Macro defining the maximum unsigned short int value (always at least 65535)
unsigned int UINT_MAX
Macro defining the maximum unsigned int value (always at least 65535)
unsigned long ULONG_MAX
Macro defining the maximum unsigned long int value (always at least 4294967295)


This header declares types and functions to support internationalization and localization for the C++ Standard. So does the newer header file <locale>, but at the cost of additional complexity and overhead. Usually it is OK to live with your system's defaults and ignore this header.


This header declares a number of mathematical functions. In addition to the standard functions carried over from the C library, most of these functions have overloaded versions for different parameter types, and for each listed function all overloaded versions are shown.

float abs(float x)
double abs(double x)
long double abs(long double x)
Return the absolute value of x

float fabs(float x)
double fabs(double x)
long double fabs(long double x)
Return the absolute value of the float (or double, or long double) value x

float sin(float x)
double sin(double x)
long double sin(long double x)
Return the sine of x radians (always a value in [-1,1])

float cos(float x)
double cos(double x)
long double cos(long double x)
Return the cosine of x radians (always a value in [-1,1])

float tan(float x)
double tan(double x)
long double tan(long double x)
Return the tangent of x radians (the Standard does not specify a return value if x has a value of the form kπ + π/2, k an integer)

float asin(float x)
double asin(double x)
long double asin(long double x)
Return the inverse sine of x (x must be in [-1,1] and the return value will be in the range [-π/2, π/2])

float acos(float x)
double acos(double x)
long double acos(long double x)
Return the inverse cosine of x (x must be in [-1,1] and the return value will be in the range [0,π])

float atan(float x)
double atan(double x)
long double atan(long double x)
Return the inverse tangent of x (return value will be in the range (-π/2,π/2))

float sinh(float x)
double sinh(double x)
long double sinh(long double x)
Return the hyperbolic sine of x

float cosh(float x)
double cosh(double x)
long double cosh(long double x)
Return the hyperbolic cosine of x

float tanh(float x)
double tanh(double x)
long double tanh(long double x)
Return the hyperbolic tangent of x

float exp(float x)
double exp(double x)
long double exp(long double x)
Return e to the power of x (e is the value 2.71828...)

float log(float x)
double log(double x)
long double log(long double x)
Return the logarithm of x to the base e (e is the value 2.71828...) (i.e., the "natural logarithm" of x)

float log10(float x)
double log10(double x)
long double log10(long double x)
Return the logarithm of x to the base 10 (i.e., the so-called "common logarithm" of x) [Note that x must be > 0.]

float ceil(float x)
double ceil(double x)
long double ceil(long double x)
Return the ceiling of x (smallest integer >= x)

float floor(float x)
double floor(double x)
long double floor(long double x)
Return the floor of x (largest integer <= x) (also called the "greatest integer function")

float pow(float x, float y)
float pow(float x, int y)
double pow(double x, double y)
double pow(double x, int y)
long double pow(long double x, long double y)
long double pow(long double x, int y)
Return base x raised to the power y (i.e., exponent y) [Note that if y is not an integer, then x must be > 0.]

float sqrt(float x)
double sqrt(double x)
long double sqrt(long double x)
Return the square root of x [Note that x must be >= 0, and the return value will always be >= 0 as well.]


This header generally has limited use in C++ programs. In C++, exceptions should be used in place of the facilities the C counterpart of this header supplies to C programs.


This header declares functions and macros related to signal handling, where a signal is a condition that can arise during program execution.


This header declares macros for accessing the arguments to a function that takes a variable number of arguments. Such a function is called a variadic function, and is indicated by having an ellipsis (...) as its last parameter.


This header defines several useful types and macros.

The NULL macro expands to a constant null pointer whose value is implementation-dependent, but usually 0 or 0L.
A typedef for an implementation-dependent signed integral type which represents the difference between two pointers
A typedef for an implementation-dependent signed integral type which is the type returned by the sizeof operator


This is a large library, which declares many types, functions and macros which deal with input and output, and which are compatible with the C programming language. However, C++ I/O streams offer more flexibility, type-safety and clarity. Moreover, certain problems can occur when both the C <stdio> library and the C++ <iostream> library are used in the same program. It may be inferred from the last statement, and rightly so, that it is just not good programming practice to make simultaneous use of these two libraries. In general, I/O in C++ programs should be performed using C++ I/O facilities. Thus, to encourage this practice, we do not include any of the items from this header in the current reference.


This header declares a number of generally useful macros, types and functions.

The NULL macro expands to a constant null pointer whose value is implementation-dependent, but usually 0 or 0L.
A typedef for an implementation-dependent signed integral type which is the type returned by the sizeof operator
Call exit(EXIT_FAILURE) to terminate a program normally and inform the operating system that the program was unsuccessful. [Returning EXIT_FAILURE from main is the same as calling exit(EXIT_FAILURE).]
Call exit(EXIT_SUCCESS) to terminate a program normally and inform the operating system that the program was successful [Returning EXIT_SUCCESS from main is the same as calling exit(EXIT_SUCCESS).]

void abort()
Default action is simply to terminate a program, generally without any "cleanup", and so acts as C++'s "emergency stop" function [The exit() function should generally be preferred for "sudden, but normal" termination.]

int abs(int x)
long abs(long x)
Return absolute value of int (or long) value x

long labs(long x)
Return absolute value of long integer value x [This function is clearly not required, given the overloaded version of the abs() function (above), but is present for backward compatibility with C.]

double atof(const char* str)
Return the double form of str
int atoi(const char* str)
Return the int form of str
long atol(const char* str)
Return the long int form of str

div_t div(int numerator, int denominator)
Divide numerator by denominator and return both in a structure of type div_t, which is defined as follows:
struct div_t { int quot, rem; };
ldiv_t div(long numerator, long denominator)
Divide numerator by denominator and return both in a structure of type ldiv_t, which is defined as follows:
struct ldiv_t { long quot, rem; };

extern int atexit(void (*func)())
Register a parameterless function func to execute at (normal) program termination [Multiple functions can be registered, and registered functions are called in the opposite order of registration. A function can be registered more than once, and will be called as many times as it was registered.]
void exit(int status_code)
Terminate program normally, with status_code indicating "program status" [A status_code value of 0 is generally taken to mean successful termination, with other return values being implementation-dependent.]

char* getenv(const char* var_name)
Return the value of environment variable var_name

Maximum possible value of the rand() function
int rand()
Return a "pseudorandom" integer in the range 0..RAND_MAX
void srand(unsigned int seed)
Set the "seed value" for the function rand() [The default seed value used for rand(), if this function is not called, is 1.]

int system(const char* com)
Pass the command in the C-string com to the operating system to be executed


This header declares functions for dealing with "old-fashioned" C-strings.

The NULL macro expands to a constant null pointer whose value is implementation-dependent, but usually 0 or 0L.
A typedef for an implementation-dependent signed integral type which is the type returned by the sizeof operator

char* strcat(char* destination, const char* source)
Add C-string source to end of C-string destination and return destination
char* strncat(char* destination, const char* source, size_t n)
Like strcat() above, but at most n characters are concatenated

int strcmp(const char* str1, const char* str2)
Compare C-string str1 to C-string str2 and return a value that is < 0, == 0, > 0 according as str1 is alphabetically <, ==, or > str2
int strncmp(const char* str1, const char* str2, size_t n)
Like strcmp() above, but compares at most n characters

char* strcpy(char* destination, const char* source)
Copy C-string source to C-string destination and return destination
char* strncpy(char* destination, const char* source, size_t n)
Like strcpy() above, but copies at most n characters

size_t strlen(const char* str)
Return length of C-string str

const char* strchr(const char* str, int ch)
      char* strchr(      char* str, int ch)
Return address of first location in str where ch found, or the NULL pointer if ch is not found
const char* strrchr(const char* str, int ch)
      char* strrchr(      char* str, int ch)
Return address of last (rightmost) location in str where ch found, or the NULL pointer if ch is not found
const char* strstr(const char* str, const char* substr)
      char* strstr(      char* str, const char* substr)
Return address of first location in str where substring substr found, or the NULL pointer if substr is not found

const char* strpbrk(const char* str, const char* span_set)
      char* strpbrk(      char* str, const char* span_set)
Search str for any of the characters in span_set, and return a pointer to the first occurrence of such a character, or a NULL pointer if there is no such character in span_set

size_t strspn(const char* str, const char* span_set)
Return the number of characters at the start of C-string str that are in C-string span_set
size_t strcspn(const char* str, const char* span_set)
Return the number of characters at the start of C-string str that are not in C-string span_set

char* strtok(char* str, const char* delim_set)
Split str into separate tokens, separated by one or more characters from delim_set, returning the most recent token found, or a NULL pointer if no token found [To parse a string str, you must call strtok() multiple times, and the contents of str are modified when each token is found. The first time, pass str as the first parameter to strtok(); in the second and subsequent calls pass, pass a NULL pointer as the first parameter.]


This header declares types and functions for dealing with dates and times.

The NULL macro expands to a constant null pointer whose value is implementation-dependent, but usually 0 or 0L.
A typedef for an implementation-dependent signed integral type which is the type returned by the sizeof operator
The number of clock ticks returned by clock() in one second
A typedef for an implementation-dependent integral type (long, say) for the return value of a call to the clock() function
A typedef for an implementation-dependent integral type (long, say) for the return value of a call to the time() function
A structure for storing parts of a date and time, which is defined as follows:
struct tm
    int tm_sec;   /* Seconds:              0-59  */
    int tm_min;   /* Minutes:              0-59  */
    int tm_hour;  /* Hours:                0-23  */
    int tm_mday;  /* Day of the month:     1-31  */
    int tm_mon;   /* Month:                0-11  */
    int tm_year;  /* Years since 1900            */
    int tm_wday;  /* Days since Sunday:    0-6   */
    int tm_yday;  /* Days since January 1: 0-365 */
    int tm_isdst; /* Daylight Savings Time       */

clock_t clock()
Return number of clock ticks of elapsed processor time since program startup

time_t time(time_t* time_t_ptr)
Return current date and time in an implementation-defined format, and if time_t_ptr is not NULL, store the return value in *time_t_ptr as well) [So, the function call time(NULL) will return the current date and time in the time_t format.]

char* asctime(const tm* tm_ptr)
Formulate the date and time pointed to by tm_ptr as a C-string and return that string [For example, a function call like asctime(localtime(&t)) would return current time/date string like Tue Sep 04 11:56:32 2001, provided t has been assigned the result of a call to time(NULL).]
char* ctime(const time_t* time_t_ptr)
Convert the time pointed to by time_t_ptr to local time, format it as a C-string and return that string [equivalent to asctime(localtime(time_t_ptr))]
double difftime(time_t t1 time_t t2)
Return the difference between the two times t1 and t2 (t1-t2, in seconds) [Note the order of subtraction.]
tm* localtime(const time_t* time_t_ptr)
Expand the calendar time pointed to by time_t_ptr into a static tm using local time and return a pointer to the static object
time_t mktime(tm* tm_ptr)
Make a time_t time by assembling the parts in a tm object, interpreted as a local time, and return that time_t time


This header declares types and functions for working with wide characters. The facilities provided by this header will not normally be required in those situations and locales where the standard ASCII character code set is adequate for most programming purposes.


This header declares types and functions for classifying and converting wide characters. The facilities provided by this header will not normally be required in those situations and locales where the standard ASCII character code set is adequate for most programming purposes.

The 20 Specifically C++ Headers

These headers may be classified into the following three groups: ten "stream-related" headers, four "language support" headers, and six "odds and ends" headers.

The 10 "stream-related" headers

For more detailed information on C++ I/O in general, and to see how the material in this subsection on the stream headers fits into the overall scheme of things, look here.


This header declares some classes and other types for performing I/O with external files, as well as member functions for opening and closing files and testing whether a file is open. Under this header, class names are shown as they would appear in a typical object declaration, and member functions are presented in "typical usage" format.

fstream file;
Declare an fstream object file that can be used for reading input and/or writing output
fstream file(c_string_value);
Declare an fstream object file, connect it to the physical file whose name is in the C-string c_string_value, and open it for reading input and/or writing output
fstream file(c_string_value, openmode_value);
Declare an fstream object file, connect it to the physical file whose name is in the C-string c_string_value, and open it using the specific value of type openmode specified in openmode_value [See under <ios> for the definition of the openmode type.]

ifstream inFile;
Declare an ifstream object inFile that can be used for reading input
ifstream inFile(c_string_value);
Declare an ifstream object inFile, connect it to the physical file whose name is in the C-string c_string_value, and open it for reading input
ifstream inFile(c_string_value, openmode_value);
Declare an ifstream object inFile, connect it to the physical file whose name is in the C-string c_string_value, and open it using the specific value of type openmode specified in openmode_value [See under <ios> for the definition of the openmode type.]

ofstream outFile;
Declare an ofstream object outFile that can be used for writing output
ofstream outFile(c_string_value);
Declare an ofstream object outFile, connect it to the physical file whose name is in the C-string c_string_value, and open it for writing output
ofstream outFile(c_string_value, openmode_value);
Declare an ofstream object outFile, connect it to the physical file whose name is in the C-string c_string_value, and open it using the specific value of type openmode specified in openmode_value [See under <ios> for the definition of the openmode type.]

In each of the three groupings immediately above, the first form just declares a file stream object, while the other two both declare a file stream object and open a physical file attached to that object. However, if the first form is used to declare a file stream object, then the actual file has to be opened later via a call to the open function, which is what the two forms shown below provide.

Connect the file stream object anyFileStream with the physical file whose name is in the C-string c_string_value, open it in a default mode which will depend on the actual class type of anyFileStream, and return the this pointer if successful or a NULL pointer if unsuccessful
anyFileStream.open(c_string_value, openmode_value)
Connect the file stream object anyFileStream with the physical file whose name is in the C-string c_string_value, open it in a mode determined by openmode_value, and return the this pointer if successful or a NULL pointer if unsuccessful [See under <ios> for the definition of the openmode type.]

Return true if the file stream object anyFileStream is open, and otherwise false
Close the physical file associated with the file stream object anyFileStream, and disconnect the two


This header declares the I/O manipulators that take parameters. They are presented in "typical usage" format.

The following three manipulators provide one mechanism for setting (or "unsetting") the format-state flags. There are member functions under <ios> that accomplish the same purpose.

Set the base (or conversion radix) for a stream to int_value, which must be one of the following values, since any other value will be interpreted as 0: 10 (for decimal), 8 (for octal), or 16 (for hex)
Set the format-state flags specified explicitly in fmtflags_value and leave the remaining flags unchanged (equivalent to stream.setf(fmtflags_value) under <ios>) [See <ios> as well for the definition of the fmtflags type.]
Clear the format-state flags specified explicitly in fmtflags_value and leave the remaining flags unchanged (equivalent to stream.unsetf(fmtflags_value) under <ios>) [See <ios> as well for the definition of the fmtflags type.]

The next three manipulators provide one mechanism for setting the format-state parameters. There are member functions under <ios> that accomplish the same purpose.

Set the "fill" format-state parameter that determines the "fill character" when numerical values are output to the character whose internal integer code is int_value
Set the "precision" format-state parameter to int_value places for floating-point values
Set the "width" format-state parameter to int_value


This header declares the classes, types, and manipulators that form the foundation of the C++ I/O library. A class called ios_base is the base class for all I/O stream classes, and a class template called basic_ios derives from ios_base and declares the behavior that is common to all I/O streams.

All manipulators and member functions in this subsection are presented in "typical usage" format.

The types in the following list are referred to in various places later under this header and elsewhere on this web page. When you encounter such a reference (as the type of a function parameter, say), you may want to look back here at one of these type definitions to verify that a parameter of that type makes sense for that function (for example).

This list gives only a high-level description of each typedef, which is further constrained by the fact that each actual type is implementation-defined. For further information, check this site's page on C++ Input/Output. The ellipsis (...) that appears in each list item is the placeholder for the actual type name.

An implementation-defined integer, enumerated, or bitmask type that represents formatting flags for I/O [Constant values of this type are: boolalpha, dec, fixed, hex, internal, left, oct, right, scientific, showbase, showpoint, showpos, skipws, unitbuf, uppercase, adjustfield, basefield, floatfield]
An implementation-defined integer, enumerated, or bitmask type that represents the status (error state, if you like) of an I/O stream [Constant values of this type are: badbit, eofbit, failbit, goodbit = iostate(0)]
An implementation-defined integer, enumerated, or bitmask type that defines the mode for opening a file [Constant values of this type are: app, ate, binary, in, out, trunc]
An implementation-defined enumerated type that specifies the origin for seeking (moving the "read pointer" or "write pointer") to a new file position [Constant values of this type are: beg, cur, end]
An implementation-defined type that represents a signed offset in a stream [Values of type streammoff may be converted to values of type streamsize without losing information.]
An implementation-defined signed integral type used to represent the size of various stream entities, such as the number of characters to read or write in an I/O operation [Values of type streamsize may be converted to values of type streamoff without losing information.]

The following is a list of parameterless manipulators available from this header.

Left-justify all output
Right-justify all output
Left-justify sign or base indicator, and right-justify rest of number
Display integers in base 10 (decimal) format
Display integers in base 8 (octal) format
Display integers in base 16 (hexadecimal) format
Use fixed point notation when displaying floating-point numbers (the usual convention)
Use exponential (i.e., scientific) notation when displaying floating-point numbers
Show (or don't show) base indicator when displaying integer output
Show (or don't show) decimal point when displaying floating-point numbers (default is 6 significant digits)
Show (or don't show) a leading plus sign (+) when displaying positive numbers
Use (or don't use) uppercase E when displaying exponential numbers, and uppercase letters when displaying hexadecimal numbers
Use (or don't use) textual rather than numerical format to read and write boolean values (i.e., use, or don't use, true and false rather than 1 and 0)
Skip (or don't skip) whitespace on input
Flush (or don't flush) output buffer after each insertion (which really has nothing to do with formatting)

Clear all stream error flags

Return true if no error has occurred (i.e., the next three functions all return false)
Return true if end-of-file has been encountered while attempting an input operation
Return true if an input or output operation failed
Return true if input or output error was so severe that recovery is unlikely

Return a value of type fmtflags that contains the current values of all format-state flags
Return a value of type fmtflags that contains the current values of all format-state flags, set all flags in fmtflags_value, and clear all flags not mentioned in fmtflags_value
Set format-state flags specified in fmtflags_value, leave all other format-state flags unchanged, and return a value of type fmtflags that contains the previous state of all flags
stream.setf(fmtflags_value, fmtflags_group)
Set format-state flags specified in fmtflags_value as the new flags for the flag group identified by fmtflags_group, leave all other format-state flags unchanged, and return a value of type fmtflags that contains the previous state of all flags

Typical uses of the two-parameter version of this function look like this:

stream.setf(ios::left, ios::adjustfield)
stream.setf(0, ios::floatfield)

That last version clears all flags in the ios::floatfield bit field.

Clear format-state flags specified in fmtflags_value and leave all other format-state flags unchanged

Return current fill character format-state parameter value as a value of type char
Return current fill character format-state parameter value as a value of type char, and set fill character format-state parameter to new value in char_value
Return current precision format-state parameter value as a value of type streamsize
Return current precision format-state parameter value as a value of type streamsize, and set precision format-state parameter to new value in streamsize_value
Return current fieldwidth format-state parameter value as a value of type streamsize
Return current fieldwidth format-state parameter value as a value of type streamsize, and set fieldwidth format-state parameter to new value in streamsize_value


This header provides forward declarations of the various I/O-related classes and templates, but can be ignored by most programmers most of the time. In any case, this header is included by <ios>.


This header declares the following four "standard stream objects". They are all initialized and "set up for business" before the main program begins, and are not destroyed during normal program execution, so they can be used throughout the life of a program. You can tell from the class of each object which member functions are available for use with that object by checking the class type of the object and looking under the header containing that class heading elsewhere in this subsection of the current web page.

extern istream cin
The "standard input stream"
extern ostream cout
The "standard output stream"
extern ostream cerr
The "standard error stream"
extern ostream clog
The "standard log stream"


This header declares the input stream classes and templates, and one input manipulator. In addition to the member functions given below, the extraction operator, operator>>, is of course overloaded to permit reading primitive values into variables, as well as the reading of characters into C-style string variables and C++ string objects.

istream inStream;
Declare an istream object that can be used for reading input
iostream ioStream;
Declare an istream object that can be used for reading input and/or writing output

A manipulator that causes whitespace characters to be skipped

Return integer code of next character to be read without changing stream position (i.e., without actually reading the character and removing it from the stream), or return the integer code for end-of-file if there is no such character
Ignore the next character in the stream, if there is one, and return *this
Ignore positive_integer_value characters, or all characters up to the end-of-file, whichever comes first, and return *this
inStream.ignore(positive_integer_value, char_delimiter_value)
Ignore positive_integer_value characters, or all characters up to, and including, the character in character_delimiter_value, whichever comes first, and return *this [The most generally useful form of this function looks something like this: inStream.ignore(80, '\n'), which is often used to ignore everything on the rest of a line of input.]

Read and return the integer code of the next single character from inStream, or return the integer code for end-of-file if there are no more characters to be read
Read the next single character from inStream into char_variable, and return *this
Try to put the character in char_value back into inStream so that it will be the next character read from the input stream, and return *this
Same as inStream.putback(char_value) (see immediately above)

In the following list, note that the difference between get() and getline() is simply that get() leaves the delimiter in the input stream, while getline() removes it. Also, a technical point that can cause some confusion if it actually occurs, and should thus be noted, is this: In the case of getline(), if the maximum number of characters to be read is exactly the same as the number of characters available before the delimiter, then the delimiter is not actually "encountered", and is therefore left in the input stream on such an occasion. The +1 in the n+1 parameter value can be thought of as an allowance for the extra space to accommodate the terminating null character ('\0') that the C-style string variable (into which the characters are being read) must contain.

inStream.get(c_string_variable, n+1)
Read up to n characters (or up to the newline character, whichever comes first) into c_string_variable
inStream.get(c_string_variable, n+1, char_delimiter_value)
Read up to n characters (or up to the first occurrence of char_delimiter_value, whichever comes first) into c_string_variable
inStream.getline(c_string_variable, n+1)
Read up to n characters (or up to the newline character, whichever comes first) into c_string_variable
inStream.getline(c_string_variable, n+1, char_delimiter_value)
Read up to n characters (or up to the first occurrence of char_delimiter_value, whichever comes first) into c_string_variable

inStream.read(c_string_variable, streamsize_value)
Read up to streamsize_value characters, place them in c_string_variable, and return *this [Note that no null character is appended to c_string_variable.]
Return the number of characters returned from the stream by the most recent call to an unformatted member function (get(), getline(), ignore(), peek(), putback(), read() or unget())

Return current position in an input stream as a value of type streamoff [The name tellg is short for "tell get", i.e., "tell" the position at which you may "get" a value.]
Move the "read pointer" in an input stream to the explicit position, or "offset" (measured by default from the beginning of the stream) specified by streamoff_value [The name seekg is short for "seek get", i.e., "seek a (new) position at which you may "get" a value.]
inStream.seekg(streamoff_value, seekdir_value)
Move the "read pointer" in an input stream in a direction determined by seekdir_value and a distance specified by streamoff_value


This header declares the output stream class templates, specializations and manipulators. See <fstream> for derived classes that write to files, <sstream> for derived classes that write to strings, and <ios> for base-class declarations. In addition to the member functions given below, the insertion operator, operator<<, is of course overloaded to permit output of primitive values, as well as C-style strings and C++ string objects.

ostream outStream;
Declare an ostream object that can be used for writing output

Insert newline and flush the output stream
Insert a null character
Flush an output stream

Flush the output buffer and return *this

Write the character in char_value to the stream and return *this

outStream.write(c_string_value, streamsize_value)
Write streamsize_value characters from c_string_value to the output stream and return *this

Return current position in an output stream as a value of type streamoff [The name tellp is short for "tell put", i.e., "tell the position at which you may "put", or write, a value.]
Move the "write pointer" in an output stream to the explicit position, or "offset" (measured by default from the beginning of the stream) specified by streamoff_value [The name seekp is short for "seek put", i.e., "seek" a (new) position at which you may "put", or write, a value.]
outStream.seekp(streamoff_value, seekdir_value)
Move the "write pointer" in an output stream in a direction determined by seekdir_value and a distance specified by streamoff_value


This header declares classes, templates and other types for reading from and writing to string objects in memory in the same manner as reading from and writing to files.

The following declarations parallel the analogous declarations for file streams under <fstream>. In each case a string buffer is created in memory, which can then be used for input and/or output, as the case may be.

istringstream inStringStream;
Declare an istringstream object which is initially empty, but which can be used for input (after something is placed in it, of course)
istringstream inStringStream(string_variable);
Declare an istringstream object which has its buffer initialized with the contents of string_variable and which can be used for input
ostringstream outStringStream;
Declare an ostringstream object which is initially empty, but which can be used for output
ostringstream outStringStream(string_variable);
Declare an ostringstream object which has its buffer initialized with the contents of string_variable and which can be used for output
stringstream ioStringStream;
Declare a stringstream object which is initially empty, but which can be used for either input or output
stringstream ioStringStream(string_variable);
Declare a stringstream object which has its buffer initialized with the contents of string_variable and which can be used for either input or output

Return the contents of the string buffer associated with the stream as a string value
Deallocate the current buffer and replace it with the contents of string_variable


This header declares the basic_streambuf class template and its streambuf specialization, which provides a stream buffer object to manage low-level access to a sequence of characters. This header is not normally needed in day-to-day programming.


This header declares classes, templates and other types for reading from, and writing to, character arrays in memory, in the same manner as reading from and writing to files. This header and its classes are actually deprecated in the Standard, another hint that programmers should really be using C++ string objects and the facilities from <sstream> instead.

The 4 "language support" headers


This header declares classes, types and functions related to fundamental exception handling. See header <stdexcept> for additional exception classes. That header, rather than this one, will be the one most programmers will want to include if they wish to make use of the standard exceptions.

The following diagram shows both the C++ exception hierarchy, and (since the majority of exception classes are not found in the current header) the header in which each class is found.


Return an implementation-defined message as a C-string value


This header declares types and functions related to dynamic memory management. However, most programmers will not need this header, since the built-in new and delete operators are sufficient for most purposes, and the facilities provided by this header deal more with custom management of dynamic memory, such as writing one's own versions of new and delete.


This header defines several standard exception classes, though the base exception class is found in <exception>. Note that the Standard Library itself does not have many places where exceptions are thrown. The exception classes provided in the current header, and several other headers, are for the average programmer's use, should one of the library-provided exception classes, or an exception class derived from one of those classes, be found useful. See the hierarchical diagram in <exception> to see which headers contain which classes.


This header declares the type_info class (for the typeid operator) and two exception classes related to type information and casting.

This is a class name. When using RTTI (Run-Time Type Identification) and the typeid operator, programmers need to know that the typeid operator returns an object of this class type. Such objects have a name() member function which returns the name of the object (the name of a type) as a C-string value. It is also helpful to know that operator== and operator!= are overloaded for such objects as well.
The 6 "odds and ends" headers


This header declares a single class called bitset, and some related functions. A bitset object is a fixed-size sequence of bits, for which the usual bitwise operators are overloaded to work in the usual way. You can also access individual bits by index.

More to come ...


This header declares the complex class template and specializations to work with float, double and long double component types, as well as mathematical functions that work with complex values.

More to come ...


This header declares the numeric_limits class template and related types and specializations that define the limits and characteristics of the fundamental arithmetic types. It may be viewed as the C++ equivalent of the two legacy C headers <cfloat> and <climits>.

More to come ...


This header declares class and function templates that support internationalization and localization. Most programmers can simply ignore this header, and accept the local system defaults.


This header declares functions and class templates for allocating and using memory. The average programmer will not normally find it necessary to include this header.

However, those programmers who are developing their own STL-compatible containers, iterators and algorithms may find the header useful. Every standard STL container and adaptor class needs an allocator to provide the necessary memory, but the default allocator provided in each case is nearly always the one to use, and this is provided for the client programmer automatically in each case when an object of a given class is declared.

The <memory> header also provides the auto_ptr class. This class gives us a kind of "smart pointer" that helps to avoid memory leaks when exceptions are thrown, but a great deal of C++ programming can be done without resorting to the useof auto_ptr.


This header declares the class templates and functions that support the string type, which is one specialization of the basic_string class template. For most purposes, C++ string objects should be preferred over "old-fashioned" C-style strings because of their added flexibility and safety. Constructors and functions are given in "typical usage" format.

An unsigned integral type for string size values and string indices (equivalent to size_t)
Class static constant value, of type string::size_type, initialized by -1, and meaning either "not found" (as the return value of a search function, for example), or "all remaining characters" (as in an erase function, for example) [Be careful to use the proper type for such a value, and not, for example, an int value.]

The following declaration statements illustrate string constructors.

string s;
Construct an empty string object s
string s(c_string_value);
Construct a string object s from the C-string in c_string_value
string s(char_array, size_type_count);
Construct a string object s, initialized by the first size_type_count characters from the character array char_array [Note: char_array might, in fact, be a C-string, but, as its name suggests, it might also be just an ordinary array of characters.]
string s(string_value);
Construct a string object s as a copy of the other string object in string_value
string s(string_value, size_type_index);
Construct a string object s initialized by the characters in string_value from index size_type_index in string_value to the end of string_value
string s(string_value, size_type_index, size_type_count);
Construct a string object s initialized by, at most, size_type_count characters from string_value, starting at index size_type_index in string_value
string s(size_type_count, char_value);
Construct a string object s consisting of size_type_count copies of char_value
string s(input_iterator_start, input_iterator_end);
Construct a string object s initialized by all characters from the input iterator range [input_iterator_start,input_iterator_end)

Return a reference to the character at index i of string object s [Indices of string objects start at 0.]
Same as s[i], but with out-of-bounds checking

The following are iterators that allow objects of the string class to work with algorithms and containers of the STL, but may not be needed for many everyday uses of C++ strings.

Return an iterator object that points to the first character of the string object s
Return an iterator object that points to "one character position past the end" of the string object s
Return a reverse_iterator object that points to the last character of the string object s
Return a reverse_iterator object that points to "one position before the first character" of the string object s

In addition to the following variations on the append() member function, operator+= is also overloaded to append a C++ string object, a C-string, or a single character, to a C++ string object.

Append string object in string_value to s and return the revised s
Append C-string in c_string_value to s and return the revised s
s.append(size_type_count, char_value)
Append size_type_count copies of the character in char_value to s and return the revised s
s.append(c_string_value, size_type_count)
Append size_type_count characters from c_string_value to s, and return the revised s
s.append(c_string_value, size_type_index, size_type_count)
Append to s at most size_type_count characters from c_string_value, starting at size_type_index, and return the revised s
s.append(first_input_iterator, last_input_iterator)
Append to s all characters in the iterator range [first_input_iterator,last_input_iterator) and return the revised s

In addition to the following variations on the assign() member function, operator= is also overloaded to assign a C++ string object, a C-string, or a single character, to a C++ string object.

Assign string object in string_value to s and return the revised s
Assign C-string in c_string_value to s and return the revised s
s.assign(size_type_count, char_value)
Assign size_type_count copies of the character in char_value to s and return the revised s
s.assign(c_string_value, size_type_count)
Assign size_type_count characters from c_string_value to s, and return the revised s
s.assign(c_string_value, size_type_index, size_type_count)
Assign to s at most size_type_count characters from c_string_value, starting at size_type_index, and return the revised s
s.assign(start_input_iterator, end_input_iterator)
Assign to s all characters in the iterator range [start_input_iterator,end_input_iterator) and return the revised s

s.copy(char_array, size_type_count, size_type_index)
Copy up to size_type_count characters from s, starting at index size_type_index, to the character array char_array, and return the number of characters copied (which will be the smaller of size_type_count and size() - size_type_index)

Return base address of a C-string (i.e., a null-terminated character array) containing characters from s [Note that the return value of this function is "owned" by s and should not be altered.]
Return base address of a character array (which is not null-terminated) containing characters from s [Note that the return value of this function is "owned" by s and should not be altered.]

Return a copy of the substring of s consisting of those characters starting at index size_type_index, and extending to the end of s
s.substr(size_type_index, size_type_count)
Return a copy of the substring of s that starts at index size_type_index and extends for up to size_type_count characters (the smaller of size_type_count and size() - size_type_index)

Return true if s contains no characters, false otherwise
Return number of characters alloted for use by the string object s, as a value of type string::size_type
Return the number of characters in s (equivalent to s.size())
Return the number of characters (not the number of bytes) in s (equivalent to s.length())
Return the size of the largest possible string object

Make capacity of s at least size_type_value [This function is not normally needed, but might be useful if, for example, you knew that a string was going to grow by small increments to a large size and you wanted to avoid a large number of storage reallocations.]
s.resize(size_type_value, char_value)
Change size of s to size_type_value [If size_type_value <= size(), the new s will contain the first size_type_value characters of the old s. If size_type_value > size(), the new s is the same as the old s, but with size_type_value-size() copies of the character in char_value appended to its end.]
Same as the previous version of resize(), except that in this case the character value appended is the default character value (the null character)

Erase all characters in the string [This is a void function, unlike erase() below.]
Erase all characters in the string, and return the empty string object s
Remove all characters from index size_type_index onward, and return the revised s
s.erase(size_type_index, size_type_count)
Remove size_type_count characters from s, beginning at size_type_index, and return the revised s [If size_type_count is too large, characters are erased only to the end of s.]
Remove the character at the position specified by iterator_position and return an iterator pointing at the next character, if there is one, or the iterator object end() if there isn't
s.erase(first_iterator, last_iterator)
Remove all characters in the iterator range specified by [first_iterator,last_iterator) and return an iterator pointing at the character that last_iterator was pointing at before the deletion took place, or the iterator object end() if last_iterator was the iterator object end()

The functions in this group search for a single character and return the index where it is found, if it is, or the value string::npos if it isn't.

s.find(char_value, size_type_index)
s.rfind(char_value, size_type_index)
The find() functions search forward, and return the first index where the character is found. The rfind() functions search backward, and return the last index where the character is found. The search begins at the index specified by size_type_index, if that parameter is present. Otherwise the search starts at the beginning of the string (for find()) or at the end of the string (for rfind()).

The functions in this group search for a substring in the target string s (the first occurrence in the case of find(), the last one in the case of rfind()), and return the index of the first character of that substring if it is found, or the value string::npos if it isn't.

s.find(string_value, size_type_index)
s.rfind(string_value, size_type_index)
The find() functions search forward, and the rfind() functions search backward. The search begins at the index specified by size_type_index, if that parameter is present. Otherwise the search starts at the beginning of the string (for find()) or at the end of the string (for rfind()). [These functions are also overloaded to work if the C++ string object string_value is replaced by a C-string variable, say c_string_value.]
s.find(c_string_value, size_type_index, size_type_count)
s.rfind(c_string_value, size_type_index, size_type_count)
These functions search for size_type_count characters of c_string_value in s. The find() function searches forward, and the rfind() function searches backward. The search begins at the index specified by size_type_index, if that parameter is present. Otherwise the search starts at the beginning of the string (for find()) or at the end of the string (for rfind()).

The functions in this group search the target string s for the first occurrence of a character that also appears/does not appear in a specified group of one or more characters. They return the index where the character has been found, or the value string::npos if the search was unsuccessful.

s.find_first_of(char_value, size_type_index)
s.find_first_not_of(char_value, size_type_index)
These functions all search forward. The search begins at the index specified by size_type_index, if that parameter is present. Otherwise the search starts at the beginning of the string.
s.find_first_of(string_value, size_type_index)
s.find_first_not_of(string_value, size_type_index)
These functions all search forward in s looking for a character in/not in string_value. The search begins at the index specified by size_type_index, if that parameter is present. Otherwise the search starts at the beginning of the string. [These functions are also overloaded to work if the C++ string object string_value is replaced by a C-string variable, say c_string_value.]
s.find_first_of(c_string_value, size_type_index, size_type_count)
s.find_first_not_of(string_value, size_type_index, size_type_count)
These functions all search forward in s looking for a character in/not in the size_type_count characters of c_string_value starting at size_type_index.

The functions in this group search the target string s for the last occurrence of a character that also appears/does not appear in a specified group of one or more characters. They return the index where the character has been found, or the value string::npos if the search was unsuccessful.

s.find_last_of(char_value, size_type_index)
s.find_last_not_of(char_value, size_type_index)
These functions all search backward. The search begins at the index specified by size_type_index, if that parameter is present. Otherwise the search starts at the end of the string.
s.find_last_of(string_value, size_type_index)
s.find_last_not_of(string_value, size_type_index)
These functions all search backward in s looking for a character in/not in string_value. The search begins at the index specified by size_type_index, if that parameter is present. Otherwise the search starts at the end of the string. [These functions are also overloaded to work if the C++ string object string_value is replaced by a C-string variable, say c_string_value.]
s.find_last_of(c_string_value, size_type_index, size_type_count)
s.find_last_not_of(string_value, size_type_index, size_type_count)
These functions all search backward in s looking for a character in/not in the size_type_count characters of c_string_value starting at size_type_index.

The functions in this group insert one or more characters into the target string s.

s.insert(size_type_index, string_variable)
s.insert(size_type_index, c_string_value)
Insert the characters from string_variable (or c_string_value) into s so that those new characters start at index size_type_index, and return *this
s.insert(size_type_index1, string_variable,
size_type_index2, size_type_count)
Insert at most size_type_count characters from string_variable, into s, starting at size_type_index2 of string_variable, so that the new characters in s start at index size_type_index1 of s, and return *this
s.insert(size_type_index, c_string_value, size_type_count)
Insert size_type_count characters from c_string_value into s so that the new characters start at index size_type_index in s, and return *this [The parameter c_string_value must contain at least size_type_count characters, and the '\0' character has no special meaning.]
s.insert(size_type_index, size_type_count, char_value)
Insert size_type_count copies of char_value into s so that they start at index size_type_index in s, and return *this
s.insert(iterator_position, size_type_count, char_value)
Insert size_type_count copies of char_value into s before the character pointed to by iterator_position, and return *this [Note that, unlike the version of insert() immediately above, this is a void function.]
s.insert(iterator_position, char_value)
Insert a copy of char_value into s before the character pointed to by iterator_position, and return an iterator object pointing to the inserted character
s.insert(iterator_position, input_iterator_first, input_iterator_last)
Insert all characters from the range [input_iterator_first,input_iterator_last) into s before the character pointed to by iterator_position [Note that, unlike the version of insert() immediately above, this is a void function.]

Append a copy of char_value to s

The functions in this group replace one or more characters in the target string s.

s.replace(size_type_index, size_type_count, string_value)
Replace at most size_type_count characters of s, starting at index size_type_index in s, with all characters in string_value, and return *this
s.replace(iterator_first, iterator_last, string_value
Replace all characters of s in the range [iterator_first, iterator_last), with all characters in string_value, and return *this
s.replace(size_type_index1, size_type_count1, string_value,
          size_type_index2, size_type_count2)
Replace at most size_type_count1 characters of s, starting at size_type_index1 of s, with at most size_type_count2 characters from string_value, starting at size_type_index2 in string_value
s.replace(size_type_index, size_type_count, c_string_value)
Replace at most size_type_count characters of s, starting at index size_type_index in s, with all characters from c_string_value
s.replace(iterator_first, iterator_last, c_string_value)
Replace all characters of s in the range [iterator_first,iterator_last) with all characters from c_string_value
s.replace(size_type_index, size_type_count1,
          c_string_value, size_type_count2)
Replace at most size_type_count1 characters of s, starting at size_type_index in s, with size_type_count2 characters from c_string_value
s.replace(iterator_first, iterator_last,
          c_string_value, size_type_count)
Replace all characters from s in the range [iterator_first,iterator_last) with size_type_count characters from c_string_value [The parameter c_string_value must contain at least size_type_count characters, and the '\0' character has no special meaning.]
s.replace(size_type_index, size_type_count1,
          size_type_count2, char_value)
Replace at most size_type_count1 characters of s, starting at index size_type_index in s, with size_type_count2 copies of char_value
s.replace(iterator_first, iterator_last,
          size_type_count, char_value)
Replace all characters of s in the range [iterator_first, iterator_last) with size_type_count copies of char_value
s.replace(iterator_first, iterator_last,
          input_iterator_start, input_iterator_end)
Replace all characters of s in the range [iterator_first, iterator_last) with all characters in the range [input_iterator_start,input_iterator_end)

The usual relational operators (==, !=, <, > <=, and >=) are all overloaded to work with C++ string objects, and perform lexicographic comparisons. The functions in the following group also perform lexicographic comparisons of various kinds. In each case, the return value is a value of type int, which is determined as follows:

Compare the characters in s with the characters in string_value
s.compare(size_type_index, size_type_count, string_value)
Compare the characters in s with at most size_type_count characters from string_value, starting at index size_type_count of string_value
s.compare(size_type_index1, size_type_count1, string_value,
          size_type_index2, size_type_count2)
Compare at most size_type_count1 characters of s, starting at index size_type_index1 of s with at most size_type_count2 characters of string_value, starting at size_type_index1 of s
Compare the characters in s with the characters in c_string_value
s.compare(size_type_index, size_type_count, c_string_value)
Compare at most size_type_count characters of s, starting at index size_type_index of s, with all characters of c_string_value
s.compare(size_type_index, size_type_count1,
          c_string_value, size_type_count2)
Compare at most size_type_count1 characters of s, starting at index size_type_index of s, with size_type_count characters of c_string_value [The parameter c_string_value must contain at least size_type_count2 characters, and the '\0' character has no special meaning.]

Swap contents of s and string_variable

Note that the following three functions are free functions, i.e., they are not member functions of the string class.

swap(string_variable1, string_variable2)
Swap contents of string_variable1 and string_variable2
getline(inStream, string_variable)
Read a line of text into string_variable from inStream and remove the newline from inStream
getline(inStream, string_variable, char_delimiter_value)
Read a line of text up to (but not including) char_delimiter_value into string_variable, from inStream, and remove char_delimiter_value from inStream


This header declares types and functions for operating on arrays of numerical values. Though the idea was that these operations would be optimized, and thus very fast, C++ programmer consensus seems to be that this part of the Standard Library has failed to live up to expectations. In any case, most programmers will not need to use <valarray>.

The 11 Standard Template Library (STL) Headers

Only the names of the STL headers, and a very brief description of the contents of each, are given on this page, in the categorized list that appears immediately below. For more detailed information on the STL, look here.

Headers for the STL "sequence containers"


This header provides a double-ended queue container, with fast insertion and deletion at both ends and (somewhat counterintuitively to the abstract notion of queueness) direct access to any element.


This header provides a sequence container with fast performance when adding elements to, or removing elements from, any point in the sequence, but with only sequential access to any particular element.


This header provides the vector container, which is best thought of as a generalized array, capable of "growing and shrinking" as the occasion demands. Vectors provide fast insertion and deletion at one end, and direct access to any element.

Headers for the STL "associative containers"


This header provides map and multimap classes which store key-value pairs. The map requires unique keys, but the multimap permits duplicate keys.


This header provides set and multiset classes which store keys. The set can store only unique keys, but the multiset permits duplicate keys.

Headers for the STL "container adaptors"


This header provides containers which are actually "adapted" sequential containers and provide the usual FIFO behavior of a standard queue structure, as well as "priority queue" behavior.


This header provides a container which is actually one of the above containers "adapted" to provide the usual LIFO behavior of a stack structure.

Headers for the STL algorithms


This header provides a large number (about 70, depending on how you count) generic algorithm function templates for operating on iterators, as well as some other objects such as "function objects" that help algorithms to perform their tasks. It is part of the genius, power and flexibility of the STL that these algorithms do not operate on containers directly, but on iterators that point to containers. This means that under quite general conditions, the same algorithm can operate on several different containers, and in a variety of ways, which is, of course, the whole point of "generic programming".


This header declares a small number (four) of function templates specifically for numerical algorithms.

Headers for the STL iterators and function objects


This header provides classes and templates for defining and using iterators, though it does not have to be included if you are just using one or more of the sequential and/or associative containers and their associated iterators, since those iterators will be available from the container classes themselves.


This header defines several function objects. These may also be called functionals, or functors. A function object is an object of a class that implements operator(). This permits the function object to be "called", using the same syntax as a function, to help an algorithm perform its task. But, because it is an object, it is more versatile than a function.

Miscellaneous STL headers


This header declares functions and class templates for allocating and using memory. The average programmer will not need to include this header, since the default container "allocators" are perfectly adequate most of the time. Programmers who are developing their own containers, iterators and algorithms will be more inclined to find a use for what's in this header.


This header declares the pair<> template, which is essential when using maps and multimaps, but also finds many uses in everyday programming. Though it may or may not be of interest to the average programmer, this header also defines the rel-ops namespace, which in turn defines relational operators in terms of == and <.