As before, if enough students are interested, there will be a weekly problem- solving session on Friday afternoons. This session will be open to all interested students. There will be three levels of competition:
The "Definitely Not The Putnam League" is the SMU intramural contest. It's very informal. Teams of two students collect cumulative scores over the year during the regular weekly practice sessions, but teams have been known to merge, start in the middle of the term, etc. There will be plenty of easy questions to get started on - so why not grab a partner and come on over? (Or come on over and find a partner, whichever you prefer!)In the fall term this was not held, as everybody's schedule was askew. However, we did have a strong team in the APICS contest and two students wrote the W.L.Putnam Memorial Competition on Saturday, December 5th. We'll try again after Christmas to establish regular sessions.