Source of

  2: import java.util.Scanner;

  4: /**
  5:  *  This program draws a rectangle
  6:  *
  7:  *  @author Mark Young (A00000000)
  8:  */
  9: public class DrawRectangle {

 11:     public static void main(String[] args) {
 12:         // create the variables
 13:         Scanner kbd = new Scanner(;
 14:         int height, width;

 16:         // Tell the user what we're doing
 17:         System.out.println("This program draws a rectangle.");

 19:         // Ask the user for the rectangles measurements
 20:         System.out.print("Enter the height and width of the rectangle: ");
 21:         height = kbd.nextInt();
 22:         width = kbd.nextInt();
 23:         kbd.nextLine();

 25:         // draw the rectangle
 26:         for (int line = 1; line <= height; ++line) {
 27:             for (int star = 1; star <= width; ++star) {
 28:                 System.out.print("*");
 29:             }
 30:             System.out.println();
 31:         }
 32:     }

 34: }