08-Objects-I Files ================== ObjectClasses.java -- Program creating multiple objects of multiple types. ObjectData.java -- Program manipulating Strings and Scanners. These programs are just quick introductions to objects and classes. They both require the Utilities class, described below. ColourByNameFX.java -- GUI that shows you colours and their RGB components. ColourByName.java -- ditto ColourByNameNoFX.java -- ditto ColoursFX.java -- Console program that shows you colours and their RGB components. Colours.java -- ditto ColoursNoFX.java -- ditto ColourNames.java -- Class with mapping from colour names to colours. The programs above all allow the user to enter colour names. For each colour, it shows the user the Red-Green-Blue components of the colour. The GUIs also show the colour. The ...FX versions all require JavaFX to be installed on your computer. Earlier versions of the JDK came with JavaFX, but the latest versions don't. If you are using Apache NetBeans 12, then these programs won't work on your computer without you going to the trouble of downloading and installing JaveFX. The ...NoFX versions don't use JavaFX, so they work with later versions of Java without much trouble. HOWEVER, they do require you to download the ColourNames class (to replace the functionality JavaFX gave the others). The ...FX versions are a bit more powerful than the NoFX versions, because they allow you to use RGB, HSL and hexadecimal codes as well as names. The Colours program (...FX and ...NoFX) both require the Utilities class, described below. The versions that are neither ...FX nor ...NoFX are the same as the ...FX versions. RectangleArea.java -- A program to calculate the area of a rectangle. Rectangle.java -- A data type class for a rectangle. These two files are our introduction to designing our own data types. RectangleArea does exactly the same thing that earlier versions of RectangleArea did, but uses the data type class Rectangle instead of individual int or double variables for the dimensions of the rectangle. Rectangle introduces instance variables, constructors, getters, and setters. Also a "virtual" getter. You should base your own data type classes on Rectangle and Student. Student.java -- A data type class for a CSCI 1226 student. TestStudent.java -- A program to test out the Student class. These two files represent a slightly more advance treatment of data type design. The Student class has more information that Rectangle, and different kinds of information. Student introduces instance constants and extra "observer" methods. TestUtilities.java -- A program to test out the Utilities class. Utilities.java -- A static helper class for priting out titles and paragraphs. Utilities is a set of methods used by some of the other programs in this folder. It is used for printing titles and paragraphs. It allows a program to print long pieces of text without worrying where to put the line breaks (the "\n" characters). It also takes care of underlining titles. TestUtilities is just a quick demo of how the Utilities methods work.