Source of

  2: import java.util.Scanner;

  4: public class TestStudent {

  6:     public static final Scanner KBD = new Scanner(;

  8:     public static void main(String[] args) {
  9:         Student[] myStudents;

 11:         // introduce yourself
 12:         printIntroduction();

 14:         // get size of class
 15:         myStudents = getClassList();

 17:         // read students' grades
 18:         readGrades(myStudents);

 20:         // print out a table of grades
 21:         printGradesReport(myStudents);
 22:     }

 24:     /**
 25:      * Introduce this program
 26:      */
 27:     private static void printIntroduction() {
 28:         System.out.println("\n\n"
 29:                 + "CSCI1226 Grading Program\n"
 30:                 + "------------------------\n\n"
 31:                 + "Enter the names and grades for all your students "
 32:                 + "and their assignments,\n"
 33:                 + "and I'll show you their final grades.\n");
 34:         pause();
 35:     }

 37:     /**
 38:      * Get the class list from the user -- names and student IDs.
 39:      *
 40:      * @return the list of students -- no grades assigned
 41:      */
 42:     private static Student[] getClassList() {
 43:         int numStu;
 44:         Student[] myStudents;
 45:         String number, name;

 47:         System.out.print("How many students are in your class? ");
 48:         numStu = KBD.nextInt();
 49:         KBD.nextLine();
 50:         myStudents = new Student[numStu];

 52:         // create student objects
 53:         System.out.println("What are their numbers and names? ");
 54:         for (int s = 0; s < numStu; s++) {
 55:             System.out.print("Enter a student's A-Number: ");
 56:             number = KBD.nextLine();
 57:             System.out.print("Enter their name: ");
 58:             name = KBD.nextLine();
 59:             myStudents[s] = new Student(number, name);
 60:         }
 61:         pause();

 63:         return myStudents;
 64:     }

 66:     /**
 67:      * Read grades for all students in the class list.
 68:      *
 69:      * @param myStudents the class list
 70:      */
 71:     private static void readGrades(Student[] myStudents) {
 72:         for (int a = 1; a <= Student.NUM_ASGN; ++a) {
 73:             System.out.println("Enter grades for assignment #" + a + ".");
 74:             pause();
 75:             for (int s = 0; s < myStudents.length; ++s) {
 76:                 int g;
 77:                 System.out.print("Enter " + myStudents[s].getName()        
 78:                         + "'s grade for A#" + a + ": ");
 79:                 g = KBD.nextInt();
 80:                 KBD.nextLine();
 81:                 while (!Student.isValidGrade(g)) {
 82:                     System.out.print("Please try again: ");
 83:                     g = KBD.nextInt();
 84:                     KBD.nextLine();
 85:                 }
 86:                 myStudents[s].setAsgnGrade(a, g);
 87:             }
 88:             pause();
 89:         }
 90:     }

 92:     /**
 93:      * Print a full report on the students' grades, including each assignment
 94:      * grade, overall grade, and class average.
 95:      *
 96:      * @param myStudents the class list
 97:      */
 98:     private static void printGradesReport(Student[] myStudents) {
 99:         int sum;
100:         double avg;

102:         // print table header
103:         System.out.printf("%-10s%-20s%4s%4s",
104:                 "ANumber", "Name", "Pct", "Let");
105:         for (int a = 1; a <= Student.NUM_ASGN; ++a) {
106:             System.out.printf("%4s", String.format("A%02d", a));
107:         }
108:         System.out.println();
109:         System.out.printf("%-10s%-20s%4s%4s",
110:                 "-------", "----", "---", "---");
111:         for (int a = 1; a <= Student.NUM_ASGN; ++a) {
112:             System.out.printf("%4s", "---");
113:         }
114:         System.out.println();

116:         // print table body
117:         for (int s = 0; s < myStudents.length; ++s) {
118:             System.out.printf("%-10s%-20s%4d  %-2s", 
119:                     myStudents[s].getANumber(),
120:                     myStudents[s].getName(),
121:                     myStudents[s].getPctGrade(),
122:                     myStudents[s].getLetterGrade());
123:             for (int a = 1; a <= Student.NUM_ASGN; ++a) {
124:                 System.out.printf("%4d", myStudents[s].getAsgnGrade(a));
125:             }
126:             System.out.println();
127:         }
128:         pause();

130:         // get class average
131:         sum = 0;
132:         for (int s = 0; s < myStudents.length; ++s) {
133:             sum += myStudents[s].getPctGrade();
134:         }
135:         avg = (double)sum / (double)myStudents.length;
136:         System.out.printf("\n"
137:                 + "Class average: %4.1f\n\n",
138:                 avg);
139:         pause();
140:     }

142:     /**
143:      * Prompt the user and wait for them to press the enter key.
144:      */
145:     private static void pause() {
146:         System.out.print("\ enter...");
147:         KBD.nextLine();
148:         System.out.println();
149:     }

151: }