public class CallArgsProgram
2: import java.util.Scanner;
3: import java.util.Arrays;
5: /**
6: * A program to call PrintArgs and AddArgs with command line arguments. It
7: * basically simulates a command-line interface.
8: *
9: * @author Mark Young (A00000000)
10: */
11: public class CallArgsProgram {
13: public static void main(String[] args) {
14: // create variables
15: Scanner kbd = new Scanner(;
16: String line;
17: String[] words;
19: // describe yourself
20: System.out.println("\n\n"
21: + "Call a Program with Command Line Arguments\n"
22: + "------------------------------------------\n\n"
23: + "At each prompt below, "
24: + "enter a command in the form:\n\n"
25: + "\tjava [program name] [command line arguments...]\n\n"
26: + "and I will call that program "
27: + "using those command line arguments.\n\n"
28: + "Enter a blank line at the prompt when you're done.\n");
30: // start user interaction loop
31: System.out.print("prompt] ");
32: line = kbd.nextLine().trim(); // delete spaces at front/back of input
33: while (!"".equals(line)) {
34: // split the input line into words
35: words = line.split("\\s+");
37: // process command
38: if (!"java".equals(words[0])) {
39: // command must be java
40: System.out.println("Sorry, I don't know the command '"
41: + words[0] +"'");
42: } else if (words.length < 2) {
43: // command needs at least one argument (the program to run)
44: System.out.println("You need to give a program name!");
45: } else if (words[1].equals("PrintArgs")) {
46: // PrintArgs is a valid command
47: PrintArgs.main(Arrays.copyOfRange(words, 2, words.length));
48: } else if (words[1].equals("AddArgs")) {
49: // AddArgs is a valid command
50: AddArgs.main(Arrays.copyOfRange(words, 2, words.length));
51: } else {
52: // Other commands are not valid
53: System.out.println("I'm sorry, I don't know the '"
54: + words[1] + "' program");
55: }
57: // prompt for and read next command
58: System.out.print("prompt] ");
59: line = kbd.nextLine().trim();
60: }
61: }
63: }