
This folder contains many program, but most of them are versions of the Adder
GUI I created in class.

    AdderDialog1.java           -- Mock-up with layout -- no actions defined
    AdderDialog2.java           -- The Done button has been activated
    AdderDialog3.java           -- The Calculate button has been activated
    AdderDialog.java            -- Some cosmetic fixes to the GUI
    AdderFromJFrameForm.java    -- This version created using the JFrameForm
                                   tool that NetBeans provides. The code is 
                                   quite a bit more complex, but most of the
                                   complex bits were generated by NetBeans.
    FormattedAdderDialog.java   -- This version uses JFormattedTextFields, 
                                   which allow you to tell the computer that
                                   only numbers are allowed in the box. The
                                   user is only allowed to type digits into
                                   the box, and the box handles converting the
                                   digits into numbers. Nice!

The next program is one that demonstrates the different ways of laying out a
JFrame -- BorderLayout, FlowLayout and GridLayout. It also shows the basics of
creating and showing a window.


The next file is one I created because the GridLayout was acting weird when I
showed it in class. I looked up why it was acting weird, then wrote this code
to demonstrate how it actually works -- and how it MOSTLY IGNORES the number 
of columns you tell it to use.


The next file is the one I used in class to make all the letters bigger in the
windows so they'd be easier to see on the screen. You don't need to know how 
it works!


The final three programs are just for your further interest.  You don't need 
to know how any of these work, either.

    MouseColour.java    -- Change the colour of the window based on where the
                           mouse is or has been. Move the mouse over the 
                           window; try dragging across the window, too.
    OneFern.java        -- Draw one simple fern-like plant using RECURSION.
    FractalPlants.java  -- Draw several frilly plants (all the same shape).
                           Also uses recursion.