ArrayLists and Collections


Create a data type class for a deck of cards. I have provided you with a data type Card for the cards themselves, and a program Game that simply deals out hands and then returns them to the deck.

The Cards

I have provided you with a class Card that represents a single playing card.

Do not modify this class. It performs exactly the way I want it to.
It contains several constants and two Lists that will be helpful to you: The Card constructor is expecting to be given two int values representing the rank and the suit of the card to be constructed. For example,
Card aceOfClubs = new Card(Card.ACE, Card.CLUBS);
creates the ace of clubs. And, of course, you can use variables in the constructor. So if r = 3 and s = Card.DIAMONDS then
Card card = new Card(r, s);
creates the 3 of diamonds.

The Deck

Your task in this assignment is to create the Deck class. It represents a deck of cards using a List. The class implements the following methods and constructors:

The longest of those is the constructor -- which must figure out what all 52 cards are and create them. The majority of the others can be done in a single line.

Remember to call your own methods where appropriate rather than copying-and-pasting code.

Remember also to start with stubs for all the methods above. Once you have all the stubs written, compile and run the game. It won't do much, but will start to fill out as you fill in the proper method definitions.

The Game

I have provided the "game" for you. It doesn't do much -- essentially it deals out hands from a single deck, then deals out hands from a double deck. (The hands from the double deck are returned to the bottom of the deck after being shown to the user, so you can have as many players as you want, with up to 104 cards in each hand.)

You should stick with the first game until you have the Deck class pretty much finished. The hands in the first game will be sequential cards -- for example, six hands of five cards might come out as

Player 1 gets [AS, 2S, 3S, 4S, 5S] Player 2 gets [6S, 7S, 8S, 9S, 10S] Player 3 gets [JS, QS, KS, AH, 2H] Player 4 gets [3H, 4H, 5H, 6H, 7H] Player 5 gets [8H, 9H, 10H, JH, QH] Player 6 gets [KH, AD, 2D, 3D, 4D]
It doesn't matter if they come out different than that -- so long as you can tell that all 52 cards are there, and none are duplicated. After you're sure of that, you can activate the line in Game that shuffles the cards. That should give you hands more like:
Player 1 gets [4S, AD, 3D, 2C, 7S] Player 2 gets [9H, 8D, 4C, 6D, QC] Player 3 gets [QS, 3H, 4H, 3S, 10H] Player 4 gets [9S, 2H, 6S, JS, AS] Player 5 gets [7C, KH, 7D, 8H, 4D] Player 6 gets [3C, 8S, 2S, 7H, 6H]

And after you have the shuffling working, you must revise the Game Deck so that the hands are sorted before they are printed out. Your hands should now look like:

Player 1 gets [AS, 3S, AH, 10H, QH, 2D, 4D, QD, 3C, 6C] Player 2 gets [4S, 5S, 10S, 4H, 3D, 8D, AC, 2C, 4C, KC] Player 3 gets [2S, 6S, 8S, 9S, KS, 5H, 9H, 10D, JD, 10C] Player 4 gets [7S, JS, QS, 2H, 6H, 5D, KD, 7C, JC, QC] Player 5 gets [3H, 7H, 8H, JH, 6D, 7D, 9D, 5C, 8C, 9C]
(Notice that the cards are sorted by suit (spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs), and from lowest to highest within each suit -- that is the way cards just "naturally sort". Remember, there is a one-line way to sort your list of cards!)

The game with the double deck is used to test the shuffleIn(Deck) method (obviously), but also the returnCards method. If you use 10 players with 13 cards each in their hands, the last two players should get exactly the same hands as the first two. For example:

Player 1 gets [7S, 2C, JS, QD, 10C, 9S, 3D, 6D, KC, AS, 2S, QC, 8D] Player 2 gets [6H, 7H, JH, 5D, 5H, JS, 5S, QD, 2C, 8H, AC, 4H, 3C] Player 3 gets [7S, 9C, 2D, 2D, 10D, 10S, 5C, 8S, 6C, AD, KD, 7D, 6H] Player 4 gets [2H, QH, 9H, KS, 10H, JH, 10C, KS, 8D, KH, 9S, 3C, 5C] Player 5 gets [6S, AD, JC, 8C, 6D, 7H, 5D, 4D, 4C, 4C, 9H, 2H, KH] Player 6 gets [7C, AC, 3H, 3S, QC, 8S, 4H, JD, JD, JC, 9C, 3D, QS] Player 7 gets [10S, 4S, 7C, AS, 3H, AH, 9D, KD, 8H, 3S, 4D, 5H, 7D] Player 8 gets [KC, 10H, QH, 6C, AH, 2S, 8C, 4S, QS, 6S, 9D, 5S, 10D] Player 9 gets [7S, 2C, JS, QD, 10C, 9S, 3D, 6D, KC, AS, 2S, QC, 8D] Player 10 gets [6H, 7H, JH, 5D, 5H, JS, 5S, QD, 2C, 8H, AC, 4H, 3C]