Source of

  1: /**
  2:  * A class used to demonstrate the equals method.
  3:  *
  4:  * @author Mark Young (A00000000)
  5:  */
  6: public class Circle {

  8:     private double radius;

 10:     /**
 11:      * Create a circle with the given radius.
 12:      */
 13:     public Circle(double r) {
 14:         assertPositive(r);
 15:         radius = r;
 16:     }

 18:     /**
 19:      * Return this Circle's radius.
 20:      *
 21:      * @return this Circle's radius.
 22:      */
 23:     public double getRadius() {
 24:         return radius;
 25:     }

 27:     /**
 28:      * Return this Circle's diameter.
 29:      *
 30:      * @return this Circle's diameter.
 31:      */
 32:     public double getDiameter() {
 33:         return 2 * radius;
 34:     }

 36:     /**
 37:      * Return this Circle's area.
 38:      *
 39:      * @return this Circle's area.
 40:      */
 41:     public double getArea() {
 42:         return Math.PI * Math.pow(radius, 2);
 43:     }

 45:     /**
 46:      * Return this Circle's circumference.
 47:      *
 48:      * @return this Circle's circumference.
 49:      */
 50:     public double getCircumference() {
 51:         return 2 * Math.PI * radius;
 52:     }

 54:     /**
 55:      * Return this Circle's dimensions in a String.
 56:      *
 57:      * @return a String including this Circle's radius.
 58:      */
 59:     @Override
 60:     public String toString() {
 61:         return String.format("(Circle of radius %.2f)", radius);
 62:     }

 64:     /**
 65:      * Whether this Circle is essentially the same as other.
 66:      *
 67:      * @return true if other is a Circle with the same radius as this Circle.
 68:      */
 69:     @Override
 70:     public boolean equals(Object other) {
 71:         // if it IS a circle
 72:         if (other instanceof Circle) {
 73:             Circle that = (Circle)other;
 74:             return this.radius == that.radius;
 75:         }
 76:         // OTHERWISE
 77:         return false;
 78:     }

 80:     /**
 81:      * Require the argument to be positive (greater than zero). Throw an
 82:      * IllegalArgumentException otherwise. Used in methods that set/change this
 83:      * Circle's radius.
 84:      *
 85:      * @param reqRadius the "radius" to check for validity
 86:      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the argument is not positive.
 87:      */
 88:     private static void assertPositive(double reqRadius) {
 89:         if (reqRadius <= 0) {
 90:             throw new IllegalArgumentException("radius: " + reqRadius);
 91:         }
 92:     }

 94: }