Source of

  1: /**
  2:  * A class of rectangles.
  3:  */
  4: public class Rectangle implements Measurable {

  6:     /** the width of this rectangle */
  7:     private double myWidth;
  8:     /** the height of this rectangle */
  9:     private double myHeight;

 11:     /**
 12:      * Create a rectangle with the given dimensions.
 13:      *
 14:      * @param width     the width of the new rectangle
 15:      * @param height    the height of the new rectangle
 16:      */
 17:     public Rectangle (double width, double height) {
 18:         requirePositive("Width", width);
 19:         requirePositive("Height", height);
 20:         myWidth = width;
 21:         myHeight = height;
 22:     }

 24:     /**
 25:      * Get this rectangle's height.
 26:      *
 27:      * @return  the height of this rectangle
 28:      */
 29:     public double getHeight() {
 30:         return myHeight;
 31:     }

 33:     /**
 34:      * Get this rectangle's width.
 35:      *
 36:      * @return  the width of this rectangle
 37:      */
 38:     public double getWidth() {
 39:         return myWidth;
 40:     }

 42:     /**
 43:      * Get this rectangle's perimeter.
 44:      *
 45:      * @return  the perimeter of this rectangle
 46:      */
 47:     @Override
 48:     public double getPerimeter() {
 49:         return 2 * (myWidth + myHeight);
 50:     }

 52:     /**
 53:      * Get this rectangle's area.
 54:      *
 55:      * @return  the area of this rectangle
 56:      */
 57:     @Override
 58:     public double getArea () {
 59:         return myWidth * myHeight;
 60:     }

 62:     /**
 63:      * Create a String representation of this Rectangle.
 64:      *
 65:      * @return a String showing this Rectangle's dimensions
 66:      */
 67:      @Override
 68:      public String toString() {
 69:          return "Rectangle (" + myWidth + "x" + myHeight + ")";
 70:      }

 72:     /**
 73:      * Throw an exception if the given value is not positive.
 74:      *
 75:      * @param label the label to include in the exception
 76:      * @param value the value to check
 77:      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if value ≤ 0.0.
 78:      */
 79:     private static void requirePositive(String label, double value) {
 80:         if (value <= 0.0) {
 81:             throw new IllegalArgumentException(label + ": " + value);
 82:         }
 83:     }

 85: }