Source of

  2: import java.util.Scanner;

  4: /**
  5:  * A program to distribute milk and cookies, but cognizant of the fact that
  6:  * under exceptional circumstances, there may be no milk (or cookies) to
  7:  * distribute.
  8:  *
  9:  * @author Mark Young (A00000000)
 10:  */
 11: public class RoomReports {

 13:     /** The number of rooms in this facility. */
 14:     public static final int NUM_ROOMS = 5;

 16:     public static void main(String[] args) {
 17:         // introduce yourself
 18:         System.out.print("\n\n"
 19:                 + "Room Reports\n"
 20:                 + "------------\n"
 21:                 + "\n"
 22:                 + "Every room should have enuf milk and cookies "
 23:                 + "for every child.\n"
 24:                 + "But things aren't always the way they should be!"
 25:                 + "\n\n");

 27:         // report on each room
 28:         for (int i = 1; i <= NUM_ROOMS; i++) {
 29:             try {
 30:                 reportFromRoom(i);
 31:             } catch (NotEnufMilkException e) {
 32:                 System.out.println("Oh no!  Not enuf milk!");
 33:                 System.out.println("Children's services has shut us down!");
 34:                 System.exit(1);
 35:             } catch (NotEnufCookiesException e) {
 36:                 System.out.println("Oh no!  Not enuf cookies!");
 37:                 System.out.println("Do not distribute cookies in room " + i
 38:                         + " today -- we'll do doubles tomorrow!");
 39:             }
 40:             System.out.println();
 41:         }

 43:         System.out.println("And we're done!\n");
 44:     }

 46:     /**
 47:      * Collect room data from the user and report on conditions.
 48:      *
 49:      * @throws NotEnufMilkException if there's not enuf milk for each child to
 50:      * get their own carton.
 51:      * @throws NotEnufCookiesException if there aren't enuf cookies for each
 52:      * child to have one.
 53:      */
 54:     public static void reportFromRoom(int n) {
 55:         Scanner kbd = new Scanner(;

 57:         // get number of children
 58:         System.out.println("Report from room #" + n);
 59:         System.out.print("Enter number of children: ");
 60:         int numChildren = kbd.nextInt();
 61:         kbd.nextLine();

 63:         // get number of cookies
 64:         System.out.print("Enter number of cookies: ");
 65:         int numCookies = kbd.nextInt();
 66:         kbd.nextLine();

 68:         // get number of milk cartons
 69:         System.out.print("Enter number of milk cartons: ");
 70:         int numMilks = kbd.nextInt();
 71:         kbd.nextLine();

 73:         // throw a (suitable kind of) fit if conditions warrant
 74:         if (numMilks < numChildren) {
 75:             throw new NotEnufMilkException();
 76:         }
 77:         if (numCookies < numChildren) {
 78:             throw new NotEnufCookiesException();
 79:         }

 81:         // report all well
 82:         System.out.println("Room #" + n + " is doing OK.");
 83:     }
 84: }