Source of

  1: /**
  2:  * A class representing a rectangle of solid colour.
  3:  *
  4:  * @author Mark Young (A00000000)
  5:  */
  6: public class Rectangle {
  7:     // ---------- Class variables ------------------------------------------
  8:     private static MyColor defaultColour = MyColor.BLACK;

 10:     // ---------- Instance variables ---------------------------------------
 11:     private double width;
 12:     private double height;
 13:     private MyColor colour;

 15:     // ---------- Constructors ---------------------------------------------
 16:     /**
 17:      * Create a Rectangle with the given dimensions and colour.
 18:      *
 19:      * @param w width
 20:      * @param h height
 21:      * @param c colour
 22:      */
 23:     public Rectangle(double w, double h, MyColor c) {
 24:         // confirm that requested values are OK
 25:         rejectNegative(w);
 26:         rejectNegative(h);
 27:         rejectNull(c);

 29:         // save confirmed values
 30:         width = w;
 31:         height = h;
 32:         colour = c;
 33:     }

 35:     /**
 36:      * Create a Rectangle with the given dimensions in the default colour.
 37:      *
 38:      * @param w width
 39:      * @param h height
 40:      */
 41:     public Rectangle(double w, double h) {
 42:         this(w, h, defaultColour);
 43:     }

 45:     // ---------- Getters --------------------------------------------------
 46:     /**
 47:      * Return this Rectangle's height.
 48:      *
 49:      * @return height of this Rectangle
 50:      */
 51:     public double getHeight() {
 52:         return height;
 53:     }

 55:     /**
 56:      * Return this Rectangle's width.
 57:      *
 58:      * @return width of this Rectangle
 59:      */
 60:     public double getWidth() {
 61:         return width;
 62:     }

 64:     /**
 65:      * Return this Rectangle's colour.
 66:      *
 67:      * @return colour of this Rectangle
 68:      */
 69:     public MyColor getColour() {
 70:         return colour;
 71:     }

 73:     /**
 74:      * Return this Rectangle's area.
 75:      *
 76:      * @return this Rectangle's area
 77:      */
 78:     public double getArea()  {
 79:         return height * width;
 80:     }

 82:     /**
 83:      * Return this Rectangle's perimeter.
 84:      *
 85:      * @return this Rectangle's perimeter
 86:      */
 87:     public double getPerimeter() {
 88:         return 2 * (height + width);
 89:     }

 91:     // ---------- Setters --------------------------------------------------
 92:     /**
 93:      * Change this Rectangle's height.
 94:      *
 95:      * @param newHeight the new height of this Rectangle
 96:      */
 97:     public void setHeight(double newHeight) {
 98:         rejectNegative(newHeight);
 99:         height = newHeight;
100:     }

102:     /**
103:      * Change this Rectangle's width.
104:      *
105:      * @param newWidth the new width of this Rectangle
106:      */
107:     public void setWidth(double newWidth) {
108:         rejectNegative(newWidth);
109:         width = newWidth;
110:     }

112:     /**
113:      * Change this Rectangle's colour.
114:      *
115:      * @param newColour the new colour of this Rectangle
116:      */
117:     public boolean setColour(MyColor newColour) {
118:         colour = newColour;
119:         return true;
120:     }

122:     // ---------- Observers ------------------------------------------------
123:     /**
124:      * Convert this Rectangle to a String.
125:      * NOTE: does not include the colour.
126:      *
127:      * @return a String representing this Rectangle
128:      */
129:     @Override
130:     public String toString() {
131:         return width + "x" + height + " Rectangle";
132:     }

134:     /**
135:      * Get the default colour for rectangles.
136:      *
137:      * @return the current default colour for Rectangles.
138:      */
139:     public static MyColor getDefaultColor() {
140:         return defaultColour;
141:     }

143:     /**
144:      * Set the default colour for Rectangles. The default cannot be null.
145:      *
146:      * @param newColor the new default colour for rectangles.
147:      */
148:     public static void setDefaultColor(MyColor newDefault) {
149:         rejectNull(newDefault);
150:         defaultColour = newDefault;
151:     }

153:     // ---------- Class variables ------------------------------------------
154:     /**
155:      * Throw an exception if the argument is null.
156:      *
157:      * @param colourRef the value to confirm is non-null.
158:      */
159:     private static void rejectNull(MyColor colourRef) {
160:         if (colourRef == null) {
161:             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Colour cannot be null");
162:         }
163:     }

165:     /**
166:      * Throw an exception if the argument is negative.
167:      *
168:      * @param value the value to confirm is non-negative.
169:      */
170:     private static void rejectNegative(double value) {
171:         if (value < 0.0) {
172:             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dimension cannot be negative");
173:         }
174:     }

176:     // ---------- JavaFX support -------------------------------------------
177:     /**
178:      * Render this Rectangle in the middle of a Canvas.
179:      *
180:      * @param theCanvas the canvas to render this Rectangle on
181:      */
182:     public void drawOn(javafx.scene.canvas.Canvas theCanvas) {
183:         // get the brush for this canvas
184:         javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext brush 
185:                 = theCanvas.getGraphicsContext2D();

187:         // find where the top-left corner of the Rectangle needs to go
188:         double canvasHeight = theCanvas.getHeight();
189:         double canvasWidth = theCanvas.getWidth();
190:         double down = (canvasHeight - height) / 2.0;
191:         double across = (canvasWidth - width) / 2.0;

193:         // save the old fill colour in order to restore it when we're done
194:         javafx.scene.paint.Paint oldFill = brush.getFill();

196:         // paint the rectangle on the canvas
197:         brush.setFill(colour.toJavaFXColor());
198:         brush.fillRect(across, down, width, height);

200:         // restore the old fill colour
201:         brush.setFill(oldFill);
202:     }

204: }