Source of

  1: import java.util.Random;

  3: /**
  4:  *
  5:  * @author Mark Young (A00000000)
  6:  */
  7: public class BeABag {

  9:     public static void main(String[] args) {
 10:         // Introduce yourself
 11:         System.out.print("\n\n"
 12:                 + "Bag Testing Program\n"
 13:                 + "-------------------\n\n"
 14:                 + "This program tests an implementation of the Bag interface. "
 15:                 + "The Bag in this\nprogram contains strings "
 16:                 + "representing colour pencils.\n\n"
 17:                 + "Now as it happens, "
 18:                 + "we haven't actually programmed a Bag into the computer,\n"
 19:                 + "so we're going to need your help. "
 20:                 + "Please get a bunch of colour pencils and\na bag, "
 21:                 + "and follow the instructions."
 22:                 + "\n\n"
 23:                 + "Thanks!"
 24:                 + "\n\n");
 25:         // create the bag
 26:         Bag<String> helper = new HumanBag();

 28:         // test add
 29:         int numPencils = r.nextInt(6) + 5;
 30:         for (int i = 0; i < numPencils; ++i) {
 31:             System.out.println();
 32:             if (!helper.add(randomPencil())) {
 33:                 System.out.println("Wow!  That was unexpected....");
 34:             } else {
 35:                 System.out.println("Good.");
 36:             }
 37:         }
 38:         System.out.println();

 40:         // run thru extra tests once with stuff in the bag
 41:         testBag(helper);

 43:         // test clear
 44:         helper.clear();
 45:         System.out.println();
 46:         testBag(helper);
 47:     }

 49:     private static void testBag(Bag<String> theBag) {
 50:         // test toArray
 51:         Object[] inBag = theBag.toArray();
 52:         System.out.println();
 53:         System.out.println("---------- Bag Contents ----------");
 54:         for (int i = 0; i < inBag.length; ++i) {
 55:             System.out.println("    inBag[" + i + "] is " + inBag[i]);
 56:         }
 57:         System.out.println("---------- End Contents ----------");
 58:         System.out.println();

 60:         // test isEmpty
 61:         if (!theBag.isEmpty()) {
 62:             System.out.println("The bag is not empty!");
 63:         } else {
 64:             System.out.println("How sad that the bag is empty!");
 65:         }
 66:         System.out.println();

 68:         // test getFrequencyOf
 69:         String testPencil = randomPencil();
 70:         int num = theBag.getFrequency(testPencil);
 71:         System.out.println("There are " + num + " "
 72:                 + testPencil + "s in the bag!");
 73:         System.out.println();

 75:         // test contains
 76:         testPencil = randomPencil();
 77:         if (theBag.contains(testPencil)) {
 78:             System.out.println("Hooray!!!");
 79:         } else {
 80:             System.out.println("Boooo!!!");
 81:         }
 82:         System.out.println();

 84:         // test remove
 85:         String removed = theBag.remove();
 86:         if (removed != null) {
 87:             System.out.println("Thank you for the " + removed + " pencil.");
 88:         } else {
 89:             System.out.println("Thanks for NOTHIN'!");
 90:         }
 91:         System.out.println();
 92:         if (!theBag.remove(randomPencil())) {
 93:             System.out.println("HUMPH!");
 94:         } else {
 95:             System.out.println("Thank you.");
 96:         }
 97:         System.out.println();

 99:         // test getCurrentSize
100:         System.out.println("There are " + theBag.size()
101:                 + " pencils in the bag!");
102:         System.out.println();
103:     }

105:     private static String randomPencil() {
106:         int pencilNum = r.nextInt(pencilSelection.length);
107:         return pencilSelection[pencilNum];
108:     }

110:     private static final Random r = new Random();
111:     private static final String[] pencilSelection
112:             = new String[]{
113:                 "black", "white", "grey",
114:                 "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple",
115:                 "brown", "pink"
116:             };

118: }