Source of

  2: import java.util.Arrays;
  3: import java.util.Collection;
  4: import java.util.Iterator;
  5: import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
  6: import java.util.Objects;

  8: /**
  9:  * An implementation of the Bag interface that uses an array to hold its 
 10:  * elements. This version has incomplete implementations of {@code iterator},
 11:  * {@code addAll}, {@code containsAll}, {@code removeAll} and {@code retainAll}
 12:  * (each of which throws an {@code UnsupportedOperationException}).
 13:  *
 14:  * @author Mark Young (A00000000)
 15:  * <T> Base type of this Bag
 16:  */
 17: public class ArrayBag<T> implements Bag<T> {

 19:     // ---------- capacity constants -------------------------------------- //
 20:     // Capacity for a Bag when the user declines to provide one
 21:     private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 11;

 23:     // Maximum capacity we allow -- hoping to avoid OutOfMemoryError
 24:     private static final int MAX_SIZE = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8;

 26:     // ---------- instance variables -------------------------------------- //
 27:     // Array to hold the Bag's contents
 28:     private T[] contents;

 30:     // Count of items in Bag
 31:     private int numInBag;

 33:     // ---------- constructors -------------------------------------------- //

 35:     /**
 36:      * Create an array-based Bag.
 37:      *
 38:      * @param capacity the maximum capacity of the Bag.
 39:      */
 40:     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 41:     public ArrayBag(int capacity) {
 42:         if (0 <= capacity && capacity <= MAX_SIZE) {
 43:             contents = (T[]) new Object[capacity];
 44:             numInBag = 0;
 45:         } else {
 46:             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid capacity: " + capacity);
 47:         }
 48:     }

 50:     /**
 51:      * Create an array-based Bag with default capacity.
 52:      */
 53:     public ArrayBag() {
 54:         this(DEFAULT_SIZE);
 55:     }

 57:     // ---------- Bag interface methods ----------------------------------- //

 59:     /**
 60:      * Gets the current number of entries in this bag. That is, the count of 
 61:      * items that have been added minus the items that have been removed.
 62:      *
 63:      * @return The integer number of entries currently in the bag.
 64:      */
 65:     @Override
 66:     public int size() {
 67:         return numInBag;
 68:     }

 70:     /**
 71:      * Sees whether this bag is empty. That is, the count of items in this bag 
 72:      * is zero.
 73:      *
 74:      * @return True if the bag is empty, or false if not.
 75:      */
 76:     @Override
 77:     public boolean isEmpty() {
 78:         return numInBag == 0;
 79:     }

 81:     /**
 82:      * Adds a new entry to this bag. The add method will fail if the bag is 
 83:      * full and cannot be made larger.
 84:      *
 85:      * @param newEntry The object to be added as a new entry.
 86:      * @return True if the addition is successful, or false if not.
 87:      */
 88:     @Override
 89:     public boolean add(T newEntry) {
 90:         if (numInBag == contents.length && !resize()) {
 91:             return false;
 92:         } else {
 93:             // add new entry at first available location in array
 94:             contents[numInBag] = newEntry;
 95:             ++numInBag;
 96:             return true;
 97:         }
 98:     }

100:     @Override
101:     public String toString() {
102:         return Arrays.toString(toArray());
103:     }

105:     /**
106:      * Removes one occurrence of a given entry from this bag. If anything 
107:      * equals to anEntry is already in the bag, the bag will afterwards 
108:      * contain one fewer copies of that element.
109:      *
110:      * @param anItem The entry to be removed.
111:      * @return True if the removal was successful, or false if not.
112:      */
113:     @Override
114:     public boolean remove(Object anItem) {
115:         int posn = findPosn(anItem);
116:         if (posn < 0) {
117:             return false;
118:         } else {
119:             removeItemAt(posn);
120:             return true;
121:         }
122:     }

124:     /**
125:      * Removes one unspecified entry from this bag, if possible. Throws a
126:      * NoSuchElementException if the bag was already empty.
127:      *
128:      * @return the removed entry
129:      * @throws NoSuchElementException if the bag was already empty
130:      */
131:     @Override
132:     public T remove() {
133:         if (numInBag == 0) {
134:             throw new NoSuchElementException();
135:         } else {
136:             T result = removeItemAt(numInBag - 1);
137:             return result;
138:         }
139:     }

141:     /**
142:      * Removes all entries from this bag. Makes the bag empty.
143:      */
144:     @Override
145:     public void clear() {
146:         for (int i = 0; i < numInBag; ++i) {
147:             contents[i] = null;
148:         }
149:         numInBag = 0;
150:     }

152:     /**
153:      * Tests whether this bag contains a given entry. Any entry that claims to 
154:      * be equals to anItem will cause the method to return true.
155:      *
156:      * @param anItem The entry to locate.
157:      * @return True if the bag contains anItem, or false if not.
158:      */
159:     @Override
160:     public boolean contains(Object anItem) {
161:         return findPosn(anItem) >= 0;
162:     }

164:     /**
165:      * Counts the number of times a given entry appears in this bag. All 
166:      * entries that say they are equals to anItem will be counted.
167:      *
168:      * @param anItem The entry to be counted.
169:      * @return The number of times anItem appears in the bag.
170:      */
171:     @Override
172:     public int getFrequency(T anItem) {
173:         int count = 0;
174:         for (int i = 0; i < numInBag; ++i) {
175:             if (Objects.equals(contents[i], anItem)) {
176:                 ++count;
177:             }
178:         }
179:         return count;
180:     }

182:     /**
183:      * Retrieves all entries that are in this bag. The result is an array that 
184:      * is exactly the correct size for the number of elements in the bag (for 
185:      * example, the array will have length zero if the bag is empty). The 
186:      * array contains as many copies of each element as the bag itself does.
187:      *
188:      * @return A newly allocated array of all the entries in the bag. Note: If
189:      *         the bag is empty, the returned array is empty.
190:      */
191:     @Override
192:     public T[] toArray() {
193:         return Arrays.copyOf(contents, numInBag);
194:     }

196:     /**
197:      * Retrieves all entries that are in this bag, placing them in the given 
198:      * array, if it has enuf space. Otherwise a new array of exactly the 
199:      * required size is created and returned.
200:      *
201:      * @param a the array to put the elements into
202:      * @return The given array, if it was large enuf to hold all the elements
203:      * from this Bag; otherwise a newly allocated array of all the entries in 
204:      * the bag.
205:      */
206:     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
207:     @Override
208:     public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) {
209:         // check if the given array is large enuf
210:         if (a.length < numInBag) {
211:             a = Arrays.copyOf(a, numInBag);
212:         }

214:         // copy elements into the return array
215:         for (int i = 0; i < numInBag; ++i) {
216:             a[i] = (T)contents[i];
217:         }

219:         // add a null afterwards, if there's space
220:         if (a.length > numInBag) {
221:             a[numInBag] = null;
222:         }

224:         // return the filled-in array
225:         return a;
226:     }

228:     // ---------- unimplemented methods ----------------------------------- //
229:     @Override
230:     public Iterator<T> iterator() {
231:         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet");
232:     }

234:     @Override
235:     public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) {
236:         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet");
237:     }

239:     @Override
240:     public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends T> c) {
241:         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet");
242:     }

244:     @Override
245:     public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {
246:         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet");
247:     }

249:     @Override
250:     public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) {
251:         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet");
252:     }

255:     // ---------- helper methods ------------------------------------------ //

257:     /**
258:      * Get the array index of an item in the Bag. Any location will do (if 
259:      * there's more than one), and return an invalid value if there's none.
260:      *
261:      * @param anItem the item to locate
262:      * @return the location of one such item in the array, or -1 if there are
263:      *         no such elements.
264:      */
265:     private int findPosn(Object anItem) {
266:         for (int posn = 0; posn < numInBag; ++posn) {
267:             if (Objects.equals(contents[posn], anItem)) {
268:                 return posn;
269:             }
270:         }
271:         return -1;
272:     }

274:     /**
275:      * Deal with the details of removing one item from the array. Move the last
276:      * item up into the emptied space and null out the link from that location.
277:      *
278:      * @param posn the position of the item to be removed.
279:      * @return the item removed.
280:      */
281:     private T removeItemAt(int posn) {
282:         T result = contents[posn];
283:         contents[posn] = contents[numInBag - 1];
284:         contents[numInBag - 1] = null;
285:         --numInBag;
286:         return result;
287:     }

289:     /**
290:      * Make the array bigger, if possible.
291:      *
292:      * @return true if the array could be made bigger; false otherwise
293:      */
294:     private boolean resize() {
295:         int oldSize = contents.length;
296:         int newSize = (oldSize > MAX_SIZE / 2) ? MAX_SIZE : 2 * oldSize;
297:         if (newSize > oldSize) {
298:             contents = Arrays.copyOf(contents, newSize);
299:             return true;        // resized successsfully
300:         } else {
301:             return false;        // failed to resize
302:         }
303:     }

305: }