Source of

  1: import java.util.Scanner;

  3: /**
  4:  * A program to count the operations in two different algorithms for printing
  5:  * from 1 to N, and use those counts to find a formula for the amount of work
  6:  * those algorithms do.
  7:  *
  8:  * @author Mark Young (A00000000)
  9:  */
 10: public class Analysis {

 12:     // Maximum number to print to
 13:     private static final int MAX = 10;

 15:     public static void main(String[] args) {
 16:         // create variables
 17:         Scanner kbd = new Scanner(;
 18:         int[] vec1 = new int[MAX + 1];
 19:         int[] opCountStupid = new int[MAX + 1];
 20:         int[] opCountBetter = new int[MAX + 1];

 22:         // introduce yourself
 23:         System.out.print("\n\n"
 24:                 + "This program compares two methods for filling an array "
 25:                 + "with the numbers\nfrom 1 to N. "
 26:                 + "It counts the number of operations required "
 27:                 + "for each method\nfor N running from 0 to " + MAX
 28:                 + ", and then calculates a formula "
 29:                 + "for the amount\nof work required.\n\n");
 30:         pause(kbd);

 32:         // get data for the stupid method
 33:         System.out.print("Filling a array using the Stupid method:\n");
 34:         for (int i = 0; i <= MAX; ++i) {
 35:             opCountStupid[i] = fillStupidly(i, vec1);
 36:             printPositives(vec1);
 37:             System.out.print("\tTo fill the array stupidly from 1 to " + i
 38:                     + " takes " + opCountStupid[i] + " steps.\n");
 39:             vec1 = new int[MAX + 1];
 40:         }
 41:         pause(kbd);

 43:         // get data for the intelligent method
 44:         System.out.print("Filling a array using the Better method:\n");
 45:         for (int i = 0; i <= MAX; ++i) {
 46:             opCountBetter[i] = fillIntelligently(i, vec1);
 47:             printPositives(vec1);
 48:             System.out.print("\tTo fill the array intelligently from 1 to " + i
 49:                     + " takes " + opCountBetter[i] + " steps.\n");
 50:             vec1 = new int[MAX + 1];
 51:         }
 52:         pause(kbd);

 54:         // find and report the equation for the stupid method
 55:         System.out.print("\n\nFinding equation for Stupid:\n");
 56:         findEquation(opCountStupid);
 57:         System.out.print("\n\n");
 58:         pause(kbd);

 60:         // find and report the equation for the better method
 61:         System.out.print("\n\nFinding equation for Better:\n");
 62:         findEquation(opCountBetter);
 63:         System.out.print("\n\n");
 64:         pause(kbd);
 65:     }

 67:     /**
 68:      * Stupid algorithm for filling v up with the numbers from 1 to n. Requires
 69:      * that:
 70:      * <ul>
 71:      * <li> n >= 0
 72:      * <li> v.length >= n
 73:      * <li> v[0..n-1] all equal zero
 74:      * </ul>
 75:      * Given those preconditions, after the method has completed
 76:      * <ul>
 77:      * <li> v[0..n-1] set to 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., n (in sequence)
 78:      * <li> the return value is the number of steps the algorithm took to
 79:      * achieve that state.
 80:      * </ul>
 81:      *
 82:      * @param upTo the number to fill up to
 83:      * @param array the array to fill with the numbers
 84:      * @return number of steps taken to complete the filling
 85:      */
 86:     private static int fillStupidly(int upTo, int[] array) {
 87:         int opCount = 0;
 88:         int stepANumber, stepCNumber;

 90:         // Prevent infinite loop!
 91:         if (upTo < 1) {
 92:             return 0;
 93:         }

 95:         // step 1: print the number 1
 96:         ++opCount;  // "print" (assignment)
 97:         array[0] = 1;

 99:         // step 2: repeat
100:         do {
101:             // step 2a: count how many numbers we've already printed
102:             stepANumber = 0;
103:             while (stepANumber < array.length) {
104:                 // comparison
105:                 if (array[stepANumber] == 0) {
106:                     break;
107:                 }
108:                 ++opCount;           // AFTER on THIS OCCASION
109:                 // because we want to simulate counting
110:                 // the numbers, and 0 represents that
111:                 // there is no number there,
112:                 // so it doesn't get counted
113:                 ++stepANumber;
114:             }

116:             // step 2b: if it's N, stop (we're done)
117:             ++opCount;               // comparison
118:             if (stepANumber == upTo) {
119:                 return opCount;
120:             }

122:             // step 2c: add 1 to the number from step a
123:             ++opCount;               // assignment
124:             stepCNumber = stepANumber + 1;

126:             // step 2d: find the end of the list
127:             stepANumber = 0;
128:             while (stepANumber < array.length) {
129:                 // comparison
130:                 if (array[stepANumber] == 0) {
131:                     break;
132:                 }
133:                 ++opCount;           // AFTER on THIS OCCASION
134:                 // for same reasons as above
135:                 ++stepANumber;
136:             }

138:             // step 2e: print the number you got in step c
139:             ++opCount;               // assignment
140:             array[stepANumber] = stepCNumber;
141:         } while (true);
142:     }

144:     /**
145:      * Better algorithm for filling v up with the numbers from 1 to n. Requires
146:      * that:
147:      * <ul>
148:      * <li> n >= 0
149:      * <li> v.length >= n
150:      * </ul>
151:      * Given those preconditions, after the method has completed
152:      * <ul>
153:      * <li> v[0..n-1] set to 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., n (in sequence)
154:      * <li> the return value is the number of steps the algorithm took to
155:      * achieve that state.
156:      * </ul>
157:      *
158:      * @param upTo the number to fill up to
159:      * @param array the array to fill with the numbers
160:      * @return number of steps taken to complete the filling
161:      */
162:     private static int fillIntelligently(int upTo, int[] array) {
163:         int opCount = 0;
164:         int numToPrint;

166:         // step 1: set k to 1
167:         ++opCount;                   // assignment
168:         numToPrint = 1;

170:         while (true) {
171:             // step 2: while k <= n
172:             ++opCount;               // comparison
173:             if (numToPrint > upTo) {
174:                 return opCount;
175:             }

177:             // step 2a: print k
178:             ++opCount;               // assignment
179:             array[numToPrint - 1] = numToPrint;

181:             // step 2b: add one to k
182:             ++opCount;               // increment
183:             ++numToPrint;
184:         }
185:     }

187:     /**
188:      * Print out the non-zero values at the front of an array.
189:      *
190:      * @param array the array to print numbers from
191:      */
192:     private static void printPositives(int[] array) {
193:         for (int n : array) {
194:             if (n > 0) {
195:                 System.out.print(n + " ");
196:             } else {
197:                 break;
198:             }
199:         }
200:         System.out.println();
201:     }

203:     /**
204:      * Find and print an equation describing the function stored in an array.
205:      * The array must be filled in with the values of an integer function such
206:      * that values[i] = f(i), and that function must be either constant, linear
207:      * or quadratic.
208:      *
209:      * The method tries to find a formula for the function, and prints out the
210:      * actual and predicted values in a table. If they match, it reports the
211:      * formula it found. Otherwise it prints a message saying it's none of
212:      * those.
213:      *
214:      * @param values an array holding the values of an int function
215:      */
216:     public static void findEquation(int[] values) {
217:         // try to find a, b and c using:
218:         // v[1] = a + b + c
219:         // v[2] = 4a + 2b + c
220:         // v[3] = 9a + 3b + c
221:         // SO, LET
222:         //   v1 = v[1]          == a + b + c
223:         //   v2 = v[2] - 4 * v1 == -2b + -3c
224:         //   v3 = v[3] - 9 * v1 == -6b + -8c
225:         //   v3 -= 3 * v2       == c
226:         //   v2 += 3 * v3       == -2b
227:         //   v2 /= -2           == b
228:         //   v1 -= v2 + v3      == a

230:         double v1 = values[1];
231:         double v2 = values[2] - 4 * v1;
232:         double v3 = values[3] - 9 * v1;
233:         v3 -= 3 * v2;
234:         v2 += 3 * v3;
235:         v2 /= -2;
236:         v1 -= v2 + v3;

238:         // check if that works!
239:         for (int i = 1; i < values.length; ++i) {
240:             double value = v3 + i * (v2 + i * v1);
241:             System.out.println("\t\tCheck: " + values[i] + " =?= " + value);
242:             if (values[i] != value) {
243:                 System.out.print("\tThe formula is not constant, "
244:                         + "linear or quadratic!\n");
245:                 return;
246:             }
247:         }
248:         if (v1 == 0) {
249:             if (v2 == 0) {
250:                 System.out.print("\tThe formula is constant: "
251:                         + v3 + ".\n");
252:             } else {
253:                 System.out.print("\tThe formula is linear: "
254:                         + v2 + "N + " + v3 + ".\n");
255:             }
256:         } else {
257:             System.out.print("\tThe formula is quadratic: "
258:                     + v1 + "N^2 + " + v2 + "N + " + v3 + ".\n");
259:         }
260:     }

262:     /**
263:      * Prompt and wait for the user to press the enter key. Uses a Scanner
264:      * parameter so that we don't run into the problems that arise from having
265:      * multiple Scanners attached to, and also to avoid having a
266:      * static Scanner, which might get created when some other program tries to
267:      * use findEquation.
268:      *
269:      * @param kbd the Scanner( to wait for the enter key on
270:      */
271:     private static void pause(Scanner kbd) {
272:         System.out.print("\nPress enter...");
273:         kbd.nextLine();
274:         System.out.println();
275:     }

277: }