Source of

  1: /**
  2:  *
  3:  * @author Mark Young (A00000000)
  4:  */
  5: public class BubbleSort {
  7:     private static boolean tracing = true;
  8:     private static final int HOW_MANY = 10000;

 10:     public static void main(String[] args) {
 11:         System.out.println("\n\n"
 12:                 + "Bubble Sort\n"
 13:                 + "===========\n");

 15:         // Strings
 16:         sortNames(Common.getCrew());

 18:         // integers
 19:         sortNumbers(Common.randomNumbers(HOW_MANY, 1, HOW_MANY));

 21:         System.out.println();
 22:     }

 24:     /**
 25:      * Sort a list of words/names.
 26:      * 
 27:      * @param names the names to sort
 28:      */
 29:     public static void sortNames(SortArray<String> names) {
 31:         // print title
 32:         System.out.println("\n"
 33:                 + "Sorting Strings\n"
 34:                 + "---------------\n");
 36:         // show sorting
 37:         System.out.println("Before sorting:\n\t" + names);
 38:         bubbleSort(names);
 39:         System.out.println("After sorting:\n\t" + names);
 41:         // report counts
 42:         int numAsgn = names.getNumAsgn();
 43:         int numComp = names.getNumComp();
 44:         System.out.printf("To sort %,d words "
 45:             + "took %,d assignments "
 46:             + "and %,d comparisons,\n"
 47:             + "for a total of %,d operations.%n%n", 
 48:             names.length, numAsgn, numComp, numAsgn + numComp);

 50:         System.out.printf("We expected Bubble sort to take %,d operations "
 51:             + "to sort %,d words.%n",
 52:             expect(names.length), names.length);
 53:     }

 55:     /**
 56:      * Sort a list of integer values, generated randomly.
 57:      * 
 58:      * @param numbers the numbers to sort
 59:      */
 60:     public static void sortNumbers(SortArray<Integer> numbers) {
 61:         tracing = false;
 62:         System.out.println("\n"
 63:                 + "Sorting Numbers\n"
 64:                 + "---------------\n");
 66:         bubbleSort(numbers);
 67:         int numAsgn = numbers.getNumAsgn();
 68:         int numComp = numbers.getNumComp();
 69:         System.out.printf("To sort %,d numbers "
 70:             + "took %,d assignments "
 71:             + "and %,d comparisons,\n"
 72:             + "for a total of %,d operations.%n%n", 
 73:             HOW_MANY, numAsgn, numComp, numAsgn + numComp);

 75:         System.out.printf("We expected Bubble sort to take %,d operations "
 76:             + "to sort %,d numbers.%n",
 77:             expect(HOW_MANY), HOW_MANY);
 79:     }

 81:     /**
 82:      * Perform bubble sort on the given array.
 83:      *
 84:      * @param <T>
 85:      * @param arr the array to sort.
 86:      */
 87:     public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> 
 88:     void bubbleSort(SortArray<T> arr) {
 89:         arr.reset();
 90:         for (int i = arr.length - 1; i > 0; --i) {
 91:             for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
 92:                 if (, j + 1) > 0) {
 93:                     arr.swap(j, j + 1);
 94:                 }
 95:             }
 96:             if (tracing) {
 97:                 System.out.println("one more bubbled up: " + arr);
 98:             }
 99:         }
100:     }

102:     /**
103:      * Calculate how many operations a list of the given length should take.
104:      *
105:      * @param numItems the number of elements in a list.
106:      * @return the number of operations expected (on average) to sort that list
107:      */
108:     private static int expect(int numItems) {
109:         return (numItems * numItems + numItems) * 5 / 4;
110:     }
112: }