Source of

  1: import java.util.Arrays;

  3: /**
  4:  * An array that can count how many assignment and comparison operations take
  5:  * place involving its elements while it's being sorted.
  6:  *
  7:  * @author Mark Young (A00000000)
  8:  * @param <T> base type of the array
  9:  */
 10: public class SortArray<T extends Comparable<? super T>> {

 12:     // ---------- Instance Variables ---------- //
 13:     private T[] arr;
 14:     public final int length;
 15:     private int numAsgn;
 16:     private int numComp;

 18:     // --------- Constructors ---------- //
 19:     /**
 20:      * Create an array of the given size.
 21:      *
 22:      * @param size the required size of the array
 23:      */
 24:     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 25:     public SortArray(int size) {
 26:         if (size < 0) {
 27:             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative array size");
 28:         }
 29:         length = size;
 30:         arr = (T[]) new Comparable[length];
 31:         reset();
 32:     }

 34:     /**
 35:      * Reset all counts to zero.
 36:      */
 37:     public final void reset() {
 38:         numAsgn = numComp = 0;
 39:     }

 41:     /**
 42:      * Get the value at the given position of this array.
 43:      *
 44:      * @param posn the position to read from
 45:      * @return the value read
 46:      */
 47:     public T get(int posn) {
 48:         T value = arr[posn];
 49:         ++numAsgn;
 50:         return value;
 51:     }

 53:     /**
 54:      * Compare two elements of the array.
 55:      *
 56:      * @param lower one position (not necessarily the lower one)
 57:      * @param higher the other position (not necessarily the higher one)
 58:      * @return how the element at {@code lower} compares to the element at
 59:      * {@code higher}
 60:      */
 61:     public int compare(int lower, int higher) {
 62:         ++numComp;
 63:         return arr[lower].compareTo(arr[higher]);
 64:     }

 66:     /**
 67:      * Compare one element of the array to an external value.
 68:      *
 69:      * @param posn the position doing to comparing
 70:      * @param value the value to compare to
 71:      * @return how the element at {@code posn} compares to {@code value}
 72:      */
 73:     public int compareTo(int posn, T value) {
 74:         ++numComp;
 75:         return arr[posn].compareTo(value);
 76:     }

 78:     /**
 79:      * Swap the values at the given positions of the array.
 80:      *
 81:      * @param lower one position (not necessarily the lower one)
 82:      * @param higher the other position (not necessarily the higher one)
 83:      */
 84:     public void swap(int lower, int higher) {
 85:         T temp = arr[lower];
 86:         ++numAsgn;
 87:         arr[lower] = arr[higher];
 88:         ++numAsgn;
 89:         arr[higher] = temp;
 90:         ++numAsgn;
 91:     }

 93:     /**
 94:      * Return how many assignments to positions in the array have occurred since
 95:      * its creation or its last reset.
 96:      *
 97:      * @return the number of assignments made into the array
 98:      */
 99:     public int getNumAsgn() {
100:         return numAsgn;
101:     }

103:     /**
104:      * Return how many comparisons have been made involving elements of this
105:      * array since it creation or its last reset.
106:      *
107:      * @return the number of comparisons involving elements of this array
108:      */
109:     public int getNumComp() {
110:         return numComp;
111:     }

113:     /**
114:      * Set the value at a position in this array.
115:      *
116:      * @param posn the position to set
117:      * @param value the value to set it to
118:      */
119:     public void set(int posn, T value) {
120:         arr[posn] = value;
121:         ++numAsgn;
122:     }

124:     /**
125:      * Move a value from one position in the array to another. The item is
126:      * copied to the new position, but not erased from the old position.
127:      *
128:      * @param dst the position whose value is to be replaced
129:      * @param src the position providing the new value
130:      */
131:     public void move(int dst, int src) {
132:         arr[dst] = arr[src];
133:         ++numAsgn;
134:     }

136:     @Override
137:     public String toString() {
138:         return Arrays.toString(arr);
139:     }

141:     /**
142:      * Create an array using the given values.
143:      *
144:      * @param <U> the base type of the new array
145:      * @param items the items to be included in the array
146:      * @return an array containing exactly those values in that order
147:      */
148:     @SafeVarargs
149:     @SuppressWarnings("varargs")
150:     public static <U extends Comparable<? super U>>
151:             SortArray<U> containing(U... items) {
152:         SortArray<U> result = new SortArray<>(items.length);
153:         for (int i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
154:             result.set(i, items[i]);
155:         }
156:         result.reset();
157:         return result;
158:     }

160: }