Source of

  1: import java.util.Arrays;

  3: /**
  4:  * Thest the methods in the class Quick.
  5:  *
  6:  * @author Mark Young (A00000000)
  7:  */
  8: public class TestQuick {

 10:     public static void main(String[] args) {
 11:         int size = 20;
 12:         int part = size / 4;
 13:         int[] numbers = new int[size];
 14:         for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
 15:             numbers[i] = (int) (1000 * Math.random());
 16:         }

 18:         testSmallest(part, Arrays.copyOf(numbers, size));
 19:         testLargest(part, Arrays.copyOf(numbers, size));
 20:         testMiddle(part, Arrays.copyOf(numbers, size));
 21:         testSort(Arrays.copyOf(numbers, size));
 22:     }

 24:     /**
 25:      * Test the method to find the smallest elements in an array.
 26:      *
 27:      * @param numbers the array to test with
 28:      */
 29:     private static void testSmallest(int part, int[] numbers) {
 30:         System.out.println("Test Small");
 31:         Quick.sortSmallest(part, numbers);
 32:         sorted(numbers, 0, part);
 33:     }

 35:     /**
 36:      * Test the method to sfind the largest elements in an array.
 37:      *
 38:      * @param numbers the array to test with
 39:      */
 40:     private static void testLargest(int part, int[] numbers) {
 41:         System.out.println("Test Large");
 42:         Quick.sortLargest(part, numbers);
 43:         sorted(numbers, numbers.length - part, numbers.length);
 44:     }

 46:     /**
 47:      * Test the method to find the mid-sized elements of the array.
 48:      *
 49:      * @param numbers the array to test with
 50:      */
 51:     private static void testMiddle(int part, int[] numbers) {
 52:         System.out.println("Test Middle");
 53:         Quick.sortMiddle(part, numbers);
 54:         int numOutside = numbers.length - part;
 55:         int numBelow = numOutside / 2;
 56:         sorted(numbers, numBelow, numbers.length - numBelow);
 57:     }

 59:     /**
 60:      * Test the method to sort the entire array.
 61:      *
 62:      * @param numbers the array to test with
 63:      */
 64:     private static void testSort(int[] numbers) {
 65:         System.out.println("Test Sort");
 66:         Quick.sort(numbers);
 67:         sorted(numbers, 0, numbers.length);
 68:     }

 70:     /**
 71:      * Check whether the array is such that:
 72:      * <ul>
 73:      * <li> Everything below {@code begin} is at least as small as anything in
 74:      * the sorted range.
 75:      * <li> Everything between {@code begin} (included) and {@code end}
 76:      * (excluded) is sorted.
 77:      * <li> Everything at/above {@code end} is at least as large as anything in
 78:      * the sorted range.
 79:      * </ul>
 80:      *
 81:      * @param numbers the array to test
 82:      * @param begin the lowest index (inclusive) of the sorted range
 83:      * @param end the highest index (exclusive) of the sorted range
 84:      */
 85:     private static void sorted(int[] numbers, int begin, int end) {
 86:         // To start we'll assume the middle range is sorted, so that the
 87:         // smallest element is in position begin, and the largest is in
 88:         // position end - 1.
 89:         //
 90:         // We WILL test this assumption later!
 91:         int low = numbers[begin];
 92:         int high = numbers[end - 1];

 94:         // everything before sorted range should be small
 95:         for (int i = 0; i < begin; ++i) {
 96:             if (numbers[i] > low) {
 97:                 System.out.println("ERROR BELOW THE SORTED RANGE!");
 98:                 System.out.println("numbers[" + i + "] == " + numbers[i]
 99:                         + " > " + low);
100:                 System.out.println(Arrays.toString(numbers));
101:             }
102:         }

104:         // everything in sorted range should be sorted (duh!)
105:         for (int i = begin + 1; i < end; ++i) {
106:             if (numbers[i - 1] > numbers[i]) {
107:                 System.out.println("ERROR IN THE SORTED RANGE!");
108:                 System.out.println("numbers[" + (i - 1) + "] == "
109:                         + numbers[i - 1] + " > "
110:                         + "numbers[" + i + "] == " + numbers[i]);
111:                 System.out.println(Arrays.toString(numbers));
112:             }
113:         }

115:         // everything above sorted range should be large
116:         for (int i = end; i < numbers.length; ++i) {
117:             if (numbers[i] < high) {
118:                 System.out.println("ERROR ABOVE THE SORTED RANGE!");
119:                 System.out.println("numbers[" + i + "] == " + numbers[i]
120:                         + " < " + high);
121:                 System.out.println(Arrays.toString(numbers));
122:             }
123:         }
124:     }

126: }