Source of

  1: /**
  2:  * Represents an event in the bank simulation.
  3:  */
  4: public class Event implements Comparable<Event> {

  6:     public final int TIME;
  7:     public final String NAME;

  9:     /**
 10:      * Create an event with the given time and type.
 11:      *
 12:      * @param t the event's time.
 13:      * @param n the event's type.
 14:      */
 15:     public Event(int t, String n) {
 16:         TIME = t;
 17:         NAME = n;
 18:     }

 20:     /**
 21:      * Check what order these two events come in.
 22:      *
 23:      * @param other the other event.
 24:      * @return less than zero if this event is earlier; zero if the two events
 25:      * have the same time; and greater than zero if the other event is earlier.
 26:      */
 27:     @Override
 28:     public int compareTo(Event other) {
 29:         return, other.TIME);
 30:     }

 32: }