Source of

  1: import java.util.Scanner;

  3: /**
  4:  * A program to demonstrate a simple hash table.
  5:  *
  6:  * @author Mark Young (A00000000)
  7:  */
  8: public class OpenLinear1 {

 10:     public static int arraySize = 23;

 12:     /**
 13:      * @param args the command line arguments
 14:      */
 15:     public static void main(String[] args) {
 16:         printIntroduction();
 17:         pause();

 19:         String[] mine = getWordList();
 20:         printWordList(mine);
 21:         pause();

 23:         // create and fill the hash table
 24:         String[] openHashTable = new String[arraySize];
 25:         for (String me : mine) {
 26:             addHashEntry(me, openHashTable);
 27:         }
 28:         System.out.println();
 29:         pause();

 31:         // print the hash table
 32:         printHashTable(openHashTable);
 33:         pause();

 35:         // ask user to add words
 36:         for (int i = mine.length; i < openHashTable.length; ++i) {
 37:             System.out.print("Enter another word/phrase: ");
 38:             String word = KBD.nextLine();
 39:             System.out.println();
 40:             addHashEntry(word, openHashTable);
 41:             System.out.println();
 42:             printHashTable(openHashTable);
 43:             pause();
 44:         }
 45:     }

 47:     /**
 48:      * Print out a hash table, one line per entry, with empty cells included.
 49:      *
 50:      * @param openHashTable the table to print.
 51:      */
 52:     private static void printHashTable(String[] openHashTable) {
 53:         System.out.printf("%4s %-15s%n", "i", "hashTable[i]");
 54:         System.out.printf("%4s %-15s%n", "-", "------------");
 55:         for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; ++i) {
 56:             System.out.printf("%4d %s%n",
 57:                     i, quoteValue(openHashTable[i]));
 58:         }
 59:     }

 61:     /**
 62:      * Return the word in single quotes, or the empty string if there is no
 63:      * word.
 64:      *
 65:      * @param word the word to quote
 66:      * @return the word in single quotes, or "" if word == null
 67:      */
 68:     private static String quoteValue(String word) {
 69:         if (word == null) {
 70:             return "";
 71:         } else {
 72:             return "'" + word + "'";
 73:         }
 74:     }

 76:     /**
 77:      * Add the given word to the given hash table. Uses linear probe collision
 78:      * handling. This is VERY BAD. Try looking up quadratic probe and rehashing.
 79:      * Those are better alternatives.
 80:      *
 81:      * @param me the word to add.
 82:      * @param openHashTable the table to add the word to.
 83:      */
 84:     private static void addHashEntry(String me, String[] openHashTable) {
 85:         System.out.println("Adding '" + me + "'");
 86:         int location = Math.abs(me.hashCode() % arraySize);
 87:         while (openHashTable[location] != null) {
 88:             System.out.println("...location " + location + " is in use...");
 89:             if (openHashTable[location].equals(me)) {
 90:                 System.out.println("Duplicate entry not added");
 91:                 return;
 92:             }

 94:             // linear probe -- BAD open addressing rule!
 95:             ++location;
 96:             location %= arraySize;
 97:         }
 98:         openHashTable[location] = me;
 99:         System.out.println("...'" + me + "' added at location " + location);
100:     }

102:     /**
103:      * Print a list of words together with their hash codes.
104:      *
105:      * @param mine the list to print.
106:      */
107:     private static void printWordList(String[] mine) {
108:         System.out.printf("%15s %15s%n", "String", "Hash Code");
109:         System.out.printf("%15s %15s%n", "------", "---------");
110:         for (String me : mine) {
111:             System.out.printf("%15s %,15d%n", me, me.hashCode());
112:         }
113:     }

115:     /**
116:      * Create a list of words.
117:      *
118:      * @return a list of perfectly cromulent words and phrases.
119:      */
120:     private static String[] getWordList() {
121:         // make the list of words to add to the hash table
122:         String[] mine = new String[]{
123:             "me", "myself", "I", "mine", "Mark", "Young", "ego", "swollen head"
124:         };
125:         return mine;
126:     }

128:     /**
129:      * Introduce this program.
130:      */
131:     private static void printIntroduction() {
132:         System.out.println("This program creates a hash table. "
133:                 + "It uses a VERY BAD open-addressing rule.");
134:     }

136:     /**
137:      * The one and only Scanner on
138:      */
139:     private static final Scanner KBD = new Scanner(;

141:     /**
142:      * Wait for the user to press the enter key. Includes a prompt and before-
143:      * after blank lines.
144:      */
145:     private static void pause() {
146:         System.out.println();
147:         System.out.print("Press enter...");
148:         KBD.nextLine();
149:         System.out.println();
150:     }

152: }