This page contains a table of Java statements. The contents of the table have been take from the 4th edition of "Java in a Nutshell", by David Flanagan, published by O'Reilly.

Statement       Purpose               Syntax
expression      side effects          var = expr;
                                      new Type();
compound        group statements      {statements}
empty           do nothing            ;
labeled         name a statement      label: statement
variable        declare a variable    [final]
                                      type name [= value]
                                      [, name [= value]] ...;
if              conditional           if (expr) statement
                                      [else statement]
switch          conditional           switch (expr)
                                          [case expr: statements] ...
                                          [default: statements]
while           loop                  while (expr) statement
do              loop                  do statement while (expr);
for             simplified loop       for (init; test; increment)
break           exit block            break [label];
continue        restart loop          continue [label];
return          end method            return [expr];
synchronized    critical section      synchronized (expr) {statements}
throw           throw exception       throw expr;
try             handle exception      try { statements }
                                      [catch (type name) {statements}]
                                      [finally {statements}]
assert          verify invariant      assert invariant [:error];