This page contains five tables. The first gives a list of all member functions common to all first-class containers (vector, deque, list, map, multimap, set, multiset). The second gives a list of all additional member functions common to all sequential containers (vector, deque, list). The third ...

Member functions common to all first-class STL containers

default constructor Constructs an empty container.
Containers will have other constructors as well.
copy constructor Construct a copy of an already existing container of the same type.
destructor Clean up when container no longer needed.
operator= Assign one container to another.
operator== Test for equality, lexicographically.
operator!= Test for inequality, lexicographically.
operator< Test for less than, lexicographically.
operator<= Test for less than or equal to, lexicographically.
operator> Test for greater than, lexicographically.
operator>= Test for greater than or equal to, lexicographically.
empty Test if container is empty.
max_size Return maximum number of components container can hold.
size Return number of elements container currently holds.
swap Exchange all components with those of another container.
insert Insert one or more components into a container.
erase Erases one or more components from a container.
clear Erases all components from a container.
begin Return an iterator or const_iterator pointing to the first component.
end Return an iterator or const_iterator pointing to one-past-the-last component.
rbegin Return a reverse_iterator or const_reverse_iterator pointing to the last component.
rend Return a reverse_iterator or const_reverse_iterator pointing to one-before-the-first component.

Member functions found only in sequential STL containers

assign Overwrite all components of current container.
front Return a reference to a container's first component.
back Return a reference to a container's last component.
push_back Add a value to the end of a container.
pop_back Remove the value at the end of a container.
resize Change the size of a container, adding or removing values.

Member functions found only in associative STL containers

count Return number of key/value pairs in which the key matches a given key.
find Find a key/value pair with a given key.
lower_bound Find first location where a key/value pair with a given key could be inserted.
upper_bound Find last location where a key/value pair with a given key could be inserted.
key_comp Return comparison object used for comparing keys of key/value pairs.
value_comp Return comparison object used for comparing values of key/value pairs.

Member functions found only in STL container adaptors

push Add a value to a container adaptor.
pop Remove a value from a container adaptor.

Additional member functions found in various STL containers
and container adaptors but not common to any group

container or
member functions found in that container or adaptor
vector at, operator[], reserve, capacity
deque operator[], push_front, pop_front
list push_front, pop_front, remove, unique, splice, merge, reverse, sort
map equal_range, operator[]
multimap equal_range
set equal_range
multiset equal_range
stack top
queue front, back
priority_queue top