The STL makes very good use of the C++ typedef mechanism for giving the same name to the same conceptual entity across different container classes. The best example is the use of the term iterator, a typedef alias for whatever default kind of iterator a given class provides. For example, vector<int>::iterator gives a random access iterator for a vector of integers, while list<string>::iterator gives a bidirectional iterator for a list of strings.

typedef name Does the typedef name appear in the class
(of the container or container adaptor)?
first-class containers container adaptors
size_type Yes Yes Yes Yes
difference_type Yes Yes Yes No
reference Yes Yes Yes No
const_reference Yes Yes Yes No
iterator Yes Yes Yes No
const_iterator Yes Yes Yes No
reverse_iterator Yes Yes Yes No
const_reverse_iterator Yes Yes Yes No
pointer Yes Yes Yes No
const_pointer Yes Yes Yes No
value_type Yes Yes Yes Yes
allocator_type Yes Yes Yes No
mapped_type No Yes No No
key_type No Yes Yes No
key_compare No Yes Yes No
value_compare No No Yes No
container_type No No No Yes

What does each typedef alias represent?

An unsigned integer type, available in any first-class container class, and in any container adaptor class, and sufficiently large to hold the size of any object of that class.
An unsigned integer type, available in any first-class container class, and sufficiently large to hold the maximum difference between two address values of two components of an object of the given class.
A reference to a component of a container object (i.e., T&, where T is the component type of the container object).
A const reference to a component of a container object (i.e., const T&, where T is the component type of the container object).
An iterator of the default type for a (first-class) container type.
A const iterator of the default type for a (first-class) container type.
A reverse iterator of the default type for a (first-class) container type.
A const reverse iterator of the default type for a (first-class) container type.
A pointer to a component of a (first-class) container object (i.e., same as T*, where T is the component type of the container object).
A const pointer to a component of a (first-class) container object (i.e., same as const T*, where T is the component type of the container object).
The same type as the type of the values stored in a container object (i.e., the same as T for sequential containers and container adaptors, but pair<const KType, VType> for associative containers).
The type of the allocator used for the container class (Allocators are the most infrequently used feature of the STL by the average C++ programmer. It is almost always OK to go with the "default allocator" for whatever container you are using.)
The same type as VType in pair<KType, VType> for map and multimap container types.
The same type as KType in any associative container class. For sets and multisets, it is equivalent to value_type.
The type of the comparitor in any associative container.
The type of the comparitor for the whole component type in any associative container. For sets and multisets, it is equivalent to key_compare. For maps and multimaps it is an auxiliary comparitor class that compares just the keys of two components.
The type of first-class container upon which a container adaptor is based.