Source of multimap02.cpp

  1: //multimap02.cpp

  3: #include <iostream>
  4: #include <map>
  5: #include <string>
  6: using namespace std;

  8: int main()
  9: {
 10:     cout << "\nThis program illustrates how the equal_range() "
 11:         "member function can be used\nto find a range of equal "
 12:         "key values in a multimap.";
 13:     cout << "\nPress Enter to continue ... ";  cin.ignore(80, '\n');

 15:     cout << "\nHere are the names in our multimap. Note that  "
 16:         "the lastname is the key, and\nthe first name is the "
 17:         "corresponding value:\n";
 18:     multimap<string, string> names;
 19:     names.insert(pair<string, string>("Jones", "Fred"));
 20:     names.insert(pair<string, string>("Jones", "Alice"));
 21:     names.insert(pair<string, string>("Smith", "Tom"));
 22:     names.insert(pair<string, string>("Smith", "Alicia"));
 23:     names.insert(pair<string, string>("Smith", "Jon"));
 24:     names.insert(pair<string, string>("Doe", "Harvey"));
 25:     names.insert(pair<string, string>("Doe", "Wilma"));
 26:     names.insert(pair<string, string>("Doe", "Rachel"));
 27:     names.insert(pair<string, string>("Johnson", "J.T."));
 28:     multimap<string, string>::iterator p1 = names.begin();
 29:     while (p1 != names.end())
 30:     {
 31:         cout << p1->first << ", " << p1->second << endl;
 32:         ++p1;
 33:     }
 34:     cout << "Press Enter to continue ... ";  cin.ignore(80, '\n');

 36:     string name;
 37:     cout << "\nEnter a last name to see all the folks with that last name: ";
 38:     cin >> name;  cin.ignore(80, '\n');

 40:     pair<multimap<string, string>::iterator,
 41:          multimap<string, string>::iterator> p2;
 42:     if (names.find(name) != names.end())
 43:     {
 44:         p2 = names.equal_range(name);
 45:         while (p2.first != p2.second)
 46:         {
 47:             cout << p2.first->first << ", " << p2.first->second << endl;
 48:             ++p2.first;
 49:         }
 50:     }
 51:     else
 52:         cout << "That name was not found.\n";
 53:     cout << "Press Enter to continue ... ";  cin.ignore(80, '\n');
 54: }