Source of priority_queue05.cpp

  1: //priority_queue05.cpp
  2: //Based on an example of Herbert Schildt.

  4: #include <iostream>
  5: #include <queue>
  6: #include <string>
  7: using namespace std;

  9: //A simple "event organizer" class
 10: class Event
 11: {
 12: public:

 14:     Event()
 15:     {
 16:         name = "";
 17:         priority = 0;
 18:     }

 20:     Event(string name, int priority)
 21:     {
 22:         this->name = name;
 23:         this->priority = priority;
 24:     }

 26:     string getEventName()  const { return name;     }
 27:     int getEventPriority() const { return priority; }
 29: private:   
 30:     int priority;
 31:     string name;
 32: };

 34: //Overload operator< to determine priority:
 35: bool operator<(const Event &e1, const Event &e2)
 36: {
 37:     return e1.getEventPriority() < e2.getEventPriority();
 38: }

 41: int main()
 42: {
 43:     cout << "\nThis program illustrates a simple priority queue "
 44:         "of class objects,\nin which the priority has been "
 45:         "defined by overloading \"operator<\".";
 46:     cout << "\nPress Enter to continue ... ";  cin.ignore(80, '\n');

 48:     priority_queue<Event> pq;
 49:     pq.push(Event("Phone rings", 3));
 50:     pq.push(Event("Fire!", 10));
 51:     pq.push(Event("Mail arrives", 2));
 52:     pq.push(Event("Knock is heard on door", 4));

 54:     //Display the list of events, with their priorities:
 55:     cout << "\nPriorities:\n\n"; 
 56:     while(!pq.empty())
 57:     {
 58:         cout << << "\n";
 59:         pq.pop();
 60:     }
 61:     cout << "\nPress Enter to continue ... ";  cin.ignore(80, '\n');
 62: }