Source of vector18.cpp

  1: //vector18.cpp

  3: #include <iostream>
  4: #include <iomanip>
  5: #include <vector>
  6: using namespace std;

  8: int main()
  9: {
 10:     cout << "\nThis program illustrates the meanings of the overloaded "
 11:         "relational operators\nwhen used to compare vector objects. "
 12:         "You must enter values for two integer\nvectors, and then you "
 13:         "will see a display of how the first of those vectors\ncompares "
 14:         "to the second, using each of the relational operators.";
 15:     cout << "\nPress Enter to continue ... ";  cin.ignore(80, '\n');

 17:     bool doItAgain;
 18:     do
 19:     {
 20:         cout << "\nHow many values for the first vector? ";
 21:         int sizeOfFirst;
 22:         cin >> sizeOfFirst;
 23:         vector<int> v1;
 24:         cout << "\nEnter your values for the first vector:\n";
 25:         for (int i=1; i<=sizeOfFirst; i++)
 26:         {
 27:             int value;
 28:             cin >> value;
 29:             v1.push_back(value);
 30:         }

 32:         cout << "\nHow many values for the second vector? ";
 33:         int sizeOfSecond;
 34:         cin >> sizeOfSecond;
 35:         vector<int> v2;
 36:         cout << "\nEnter your values for the second vector:\n";
 37:         for (int i=1; i<=sizeOfSecond; i++)
 38:         {
 39:             int value;
 40:             cin >> value;
 41:             v2.push_back(value);
 42:         }

 44:         cout << "\nHere are the contents of v1:\n";
 45:         for(vector<int>::size_type i=0; i<v1.size(); i++)
 46:             cout << << " ";
 47:         cout << "\nHere are the contents of v2:\n";
 48:         for(vector<int>::size_type i=0; i<v2.size(); i++)
 49:             cout << << " ";

 51:         cout << "\n\nAnd here are the results of the comparisons:";
 52:         cout << "\nv1 == v2 is " << boolalpha << (v1==v2) << ".";
 53:         cout << "\nv1 != v2 is " << boolalpha << (v1!=v2) << ".";
 54:         cout << "\nv1 < v2  is " << boolalpha << (v1<v2)  << ".";
 55:         cout << "\nv1 <= v2 is " << boolalpha << (v1<=v2) << ".";
 56:         cout << "\nv1 > v2  is " << boolalpha << (v1>v2)  << ".";
 57:         cout << "\nv1 >= v2 is " << boolalpha << (v1>=v2) << ".";
 58:         cout << "\nDo it again? [y/n] "; 
 59:         char ch;
 60:         cin >> ch;
 61:         doItAgain = (ch == 'y');
 62:     }
 63:     while (doItAgain);
 64: }