The vector class implements a dynamic array that provides fast insertion at the end, fast random access to its components, and automatically resizes itself when components are inserted or deleted.

Constructors and destructor

Default Constructor

vector<T> v;
Construct an empty vector v which can hold values of type T.

Copy Constructor

There is, of course, only one copy constructor, but there are two syntactic forms that invoke it, and both are shown.

vector<T> v(otherVector);
Construct v as a copy of otherVector, whose component type must be T. The copy has the same size as the original, but the capacity of the copy will be the same as its size, not equal to the capacity of the original.
vector<T> v = otherVector;
Copy constructor (alternate usage syntax).

Other Constructors

vector<T> v(num);
Construct a vector v of size num and capacity num containing num values, each equal to the default value of type T.
vector<T> v(num, val);
Construct a vector v of size num and capacity num containing num values, each equal to val, which must be of type T, and which may be supplied by a variable, a literal or named constant, or a function call.
vector<T> v(inIterBegin, inIterEnd);
Construct v containing values from the range [inIterBegin,inIterEnd) in another (not necessarily vector) container, but whose component type is the same as the component type of v.


Destroy all components of v and free the associated memory.

Overloaded operators

Assignment operator

v1 = v2
Assign v2 to v1, and return the common value. The vector on the left of an assignment receives the values and size of the one on the right. The capacity of the vector on the left will be the maximum of its original capacity and the size of the vector on the right. (The capacity of the vector on the right is irrelevant.)

Relational operators

Vectors are compared in the "lexicographic ordering" sense. This essentially means that the two vectors are compared by comparing their values pairwise, starting at the beginning, with each comparison looking at two values in corresponding positions, until a determination of the relationship between the two vectors can be made. Only vectors of the same component type can be compared of course, and the == and < operators must be defined for the component type.

v1 == v2
Return true if v1 and v2 have the same component type and the same size, and the components in each pair of corresponding locations have the same value; otherwise return false.
v1 != v2
Return true if v1==v2 returns false; otherwise return false.
v1 < v2
Return true if, in the pairwise comparison of values from v1 and v2, in the first pair in which the two values differ, the one from v1 is less than the one from v2; otherwise return false.
v1 <= v2
Return true if either v1<v2 or v1==v2 is true; otherwise return false.
v1 > v2
Return true if v2<v1 is true; otherwise return false.
v1 >= v2
Return true if either v1>v2 or v1==v2 is true, otherwise return false.

operator[ ]

Return a reference (or const_reference) to the component of v with index i. (Index values start at 0, and there is no checking for an index out of bounds.)

Member functions for accessing values

Each of the member functions in this section has both a const and a non-const version.
Return a reference (or const_reference) to the component of v with index i. (Throws an out_of_range exception if i is not a valid index for v.)
Return a reference (or const_reference) to the first component of v.
Return a reference (or const_reference) to the last component of v.
Return an iterator (or const_iterator) pointing to the first component of v.
Return an iterator (or const_iterator) pointing to one-past-the-last component of v.
Return a reverse_iterator (or const_reverse_iterator) pointing to the last component of v.
Return a reverse_iterator (or const_reverse_iterator) pointing to one-before-the-first component of v.

Member functions for reporting status

Return a value of type size_type giving the maximum possible size of v, which will depend on the size of the component type T of the vector object, and the amount of available memory.
Return a value of type size_type giving the number of values currently in v.
Return a value of type size_type giving the number of values v can hold before reallocation becomes necessary to accommodate additional values.
Return true if v is empty (contains zero values); otherwise return false.

Member functions for inserting one or more values

Note that when values are assigned using assign(), the new capacity is the maximum of the old capacity and the new size. On the other hand, when values are added using insert() or push_back(), the capacity remains the same unless reallocation must take place, in which case the new capacity will be determined by the reallocation algorithm.

v.assign(num, val)
Assign num copies of val to v, overwriting the entire previous contents of v.
v.assign(inIterBegin, inIterEnd)
Assign to v the values from the range [inIterBegin,inIterEnd) in another (not necessarily vector) container, but whose values are also of type T, overwriting the entire previous contents of v.
v.insert(iter, val)
Insert val into v immediately before the value pointed to by iter, and return an iterator pointing at the new component with value val.
v.insert(iter, num, val)
Insert num copies of val into v, immediately before the value pointed to by iter.
v.insert(iter, inIterBegin, inIterEnd)
Insert into v, immediately before the value pointed to by iter, values from the range [inIterBegin,inIterEnd) in another (not necessarily vector) container, but whose values must be of the same type as the values of v.
Add val to the end of v, increasing the size of v by one, and also increasing the capacity of v if v was full before the new value was added.

Member functions for deleting one or more values

Delete all values of v. The size of v is reduced to zero, but the capacity of v is unaffected.
Delete the value of v pointed to by iter and return an iterator pointing at the following value, or to one-past-the-last if the value deleted was the last one. The size of v is reduced by one, but the capacity of v is unaffected.
v.erase(iterBegin, iterEnd)
Delete all values of v from the range [iterBegin,iterEnd) and return iterEnd. The size of v is reduced by iterEnd-iterBegin (a value of type difference_type), but the capacity of v is unaffected.
Delete the last value of v. The size of v is reduced by one, but the capacity of v is unaffected.

Miscellaneous member functions

Set capacity of v to at least num. (If num is less than the current capacity of v, nothing happens.)
Change size of v to num. (If v must be lengthened, default values of its component type are added to the end of v. If v is shortened, values at the end are lost.) If num <= the current capacity of v, the capacity of v remains the same; otherwise, the capacity of v is >= num.
v.resize(num, val)
Change size of v to num. (If v must be lengthened, copies of val are added to the end of v. If v is shortened, values at the end are lost, and the value of val is not used.) If num <= the current capacity of v, the capacity of v remains the same; otherwise, the capacity of v is >= num.
Exchange values in v with those in otherVector. The sizes and capacities are swapped as well.
Return the allocator of v. (This is possibly the most infrequently used of all member functions of the vector class.)

Miscellaneous notes

Differences in the use of v[i] and
The "safer" choice to access an element of v via an index i is rather than v[i]. This is because throws an out_of_range exception if i is not a valid index value for v, unlike v[i], which behaves just as if v were an ordinary array, and thus does not give you any warning if your index goes out of bounds. If it does go out of bounds, you may get a run-time error, or your program may simply use whatever is stored at the invalid location as though it were a piece of valid data.
Reallocation caused by adding one or more values to a vector
If one or more values are added to a vector object, a reallocation may be necessary. In particular, for example, if a new value is added to a full vector object via the push_back() member function, a reallocation will take place. Essentially, that process goes like this. First, new memory is allocated. Then the original vector is copied to this new memory and the new value is added to the end. Finally, the old vector's memory is deallocated.

In order that this reallocation (which is clearly an "expensive" operation) not take place each time a new value is added, the reallocation algorithm generally creates more new memory space than just enough required to hold the original vector plus the newly added value. Doubling the memory required by the original vector has been a common (but not universal) scheme. It is easy to check empirically the algorithm used in your C++ implementation by writing a short test program that displays the size and capacity of a vector each time you add a new value, starting with an empty vector. The observed sequence may not be "fixed", however; that is, if you start with a vector that is not empty, and that has been created with its size and capacity the same, and then start to add values one at a time, you may get a different sequence of capacities. It is the use of these reallocation algorithms that gives the "amortized constant time" performance of value insertion at the end of a vector object.

Danger of invalidation of iterators, references and pointers
Although it may not be strictly true in all situations, it is probably safest to assume that any member function that inserts or removes values or changes the size or capacity of a vector will invalidate any iterators, references or pointers already associated with values of that vector.
Standard C++ does not say how the STL containers and algorithms must be implemented. It does, however, state certain constraints, such as complexity constraints, to which each implementation must adhere. Thus it is much better to base your programs on the STL's performance guarantees, rather than upon any assumption about how a particular feature, like the vector class, may be implemented.
Some performance and usage issues
Vector value insertion and deletion take place in "amortized constant time" if performed at the end of a vector, and in linear time if performed at the beginning or internally. A vector should be used if the conceptual requirement of the application is a "dynamic array", especially if fast random access is required and most or all insertions and deletions need only happen at the end of the container. If many insertions and deletions will need to be made at both ends, a deque should be used instead of a vector.
The vector<bool> specialization
This specialization of the vector class may occasionally be useful, but you need to be aware that it is not exactly like a "normal" vector. For example, a vector<bool>::iterator is not a random access iterator. Thus template code that works with other kinds of vectors might not work with vector<bool>. The vector<bool> class does, however, add a convenient member function:
Reverse all bits in a vector<bool> object v. Somewhat surprisingly, perhaps, you can also "flip" a single bit of a vector<bool> object using v[i].flip(). (Note that, in this latter case, the flip() being used is not the member function.)

Sample programs

There are two groups of sample programs. The first group involves only STL vectors and generic C++, while the second group involves other STL features in addition to vectors. The programs should be studied in the sequence given, since the description of each new sample program in the sequence mentions only the new features illustrated for the first time in that particular program, and features seen in earlier sample programs will continue to reappear in later programs.

All of the programs have been compiled and run successfully under Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005.

Programs involving only vectors (and generic C++)

vector01.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates vector constructors, accessing vector values with v[i], the typedef vector<T>::size_type, and the member functions size() and empty(). Also illustrates how ordinary array pointers can be used, in certain situations, in the same way that STL iterators are used.
vector02.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates the similarities and differences between v[i] and
vector03.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates member function max_size(), and how the maximum size for a vector object depends on the size of its component type.
vector04.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates push_back() and shows the difference between size() and capacity(). Allows the user to experiment with the reallocation algorithm for his or her C++ implementation.
vector05.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates typical uses of the default (random-access) iterator for the vector class, shows additional uses of member functions begin() and end(), and also shows the use of operators =, +, -, ++, --, != and * with vector class iterators.
vector06.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates the default (random-access) vector class iterator in additional situations, and shows the use of operators ->, [ ], <, >, <=, >=, +=, -= and == with vector class iterators.
vector07.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates reverse iterators for the vector class, as well as member functions rbegin() and rend().
vector08.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates a typical use of a const iterator.
vector09.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates member functions front() and back().
vector10.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates the overloaded assignment operator = and the assign() member function.
vector11.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates the insert() member function.
vector12.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates clear(), erase() and pop_back() member functions.
vector13.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates the reserve() and resize() member functions.
vector14.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates the swap() member function.
vector15.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates how to shrink the capacity of a vector. Shows how to simulate the "missing" member functions "trim" and "reset".
vector16.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates a vector of vectors.
vector17.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates the use of a vector of strings to read and display a file of text.
vector18.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates how the relational operators can be used to compare one vector with another.

Programs involving additional vector features and vectors in combination with other STL features

vector_a.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates the use of stream iterators and the copy algorithm for I/O of vector values.
vector_b.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates how to display the name of the underlying type represented by each typedef defined by a vector class.
vector_c.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates initialization of a vector with values from non-vector containers (in this case, a deque and a list).
vector_d.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates the use of several STL algorithms (accumulate, count, max, max_element, min, min_element, and sort) with vector objects.
vector_e.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates the use of several additional STL algorithms (count_if, for_each, and transform) with vector objects, and also shows the use of a built-in function object, as well as programmer-defined functions being passed as parameters to an STL algorithm.
vector_f.cpp | Windows_executable | program_output (text)
Illustrates the specialized container type vector<bool>.

Member function prototypes

For enhanced readability in each of the prototypes given below, each parameter in each parameter list appears on a separate line. Also, some formatting liberties are taken, in the interest of greater readability. For example, rather than aligning all prototypes at the left margin, const and non-const versions of a member function are aligned in such a way as to allow the reader to more easily compare the two visually.

Template specification for the vector class

template<class T,
         class Allocator = allocator<T> >
class vector { ... }


explicit vector(const Allocator& a = Allocator());
explicit vector(size_type num,
                const T& val = T(),
                const Allocator& a = Allocator());

template<class InIterator>
vector(InIterator inIterBegin,
       InIterator inIterEnd,
       const Allocator& a = Allocator());

Copy Constructor

vector(const vector<T, Allocator>& otherVector);




void assign(size_type num,
            const T& val);
template<class InIterator>
void assign(InIterator inIterBegin,
            InIterator inIterEnd);


      reference at(size_type i);
const_reference at(size_type i) const;


      reference back();
const_reference back() const;


      iterator begin();
const_iterator begin() const;


size_type capacity() const;


void clear();


bool empty() const;


      iterator end();
const_iterator end() const;


iterator erase(iterator iter);
iterator erase(iterator iterBegin,
               iterator iterEnd);


      reference front();
const_reference front() const;


allocator_type get_allocator() const;


iterator insert(iterator iter,
                const T& val);
void insert(iterator iter,
            size_type num,
            const T& val);
template<class InIterator>
void insert(iterator iter,
            InIterator inIterBegin,
            InIterator inIterEnd);


size_type max_size() const;

operator[ ]

      reference operator[](size_type i);
const_reference operator[](size_type i) const;


void pop_back();


void push_back(const T& val);


      reverse_iterator rbegin();
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const;


      reverse_iterator rend();
const_reverse_iterator rend() const;


void reserve(size_type num);


void resize(size_type num,
            T val = T());


size_type size() const;


void swap(vector<T, Allocator>& otherVector);