Before going to any of the links given below, it may be helpful to review the naming conventions used, even though these naming conventions are used to provide names whose uses should be self-evident in context. These links lead to individual pages for each of the first-class container types (vector, deque, list, map, multimap, set and multiset) as well as individual pages for each container adaptor class (stack, queue, and priority_queue). Each page provides a complete interface, and links to sample programs illustrating the various features of that class or adaptor. These sample programs show the use of objects of the given type in typical situations. In each case, the first group of sample programs tries to illustrate just the container(s) under discussion on that page. There may be a second group of sample programs whose purpose is to illustrate usage of the given container(s) in combination with other STL containers and features.

Note, however, that each page is a "quick reference", not a tutorial. Its goal is to be as useful as possible if you're looking up something quickly, or want to see the syntax of something as it would be used in an actual program. Thus constructors are shown as they might appear in a typical object declaration, and other member functions are shown as they might look in a typical function call.

However, the last section of each page does contain a full list of complete prototypes, but the idea is that when you are using one of these pages you should only need to refer to that last section as a last resort.

If the brief description of a member function does not explicitly mention a return value, that member function may be assumed to have a void return type. This can, of course, be confirmed by checking the prototype section of the page.