Rough Set Year in India - 2009

Sponsored by International Rough Set Society


Conference list

Conference locations using google maps



Indian rough set researchers

Since its inception in early 80's, the rough set theory has attracted interest from global research community. Originally aimed at learning optimized rules from databases, the rough set theory turned out as useful in building classification and prediction models.

The rough set theory complements a number of other soft computing paradigms. It has been found as useful when combining with fuzzy logic and probabilistic data analysis. The concept of lower and upper approximations that is central to the rough set theory has led towards enhancements of: neural networks, genetic algorithms, clustering, support vector machines, regression models, et cetera.

The application domains of the rough set theory include, among many others:

  • Pattern recognition
  • Feature Selection
  • Information retrieval
  • Bioinformatics
  • Computer vision
  • Multimedia
  • Medicine
  • Retail data mining
  • Web mining
  • Control
  • Traffic engineering
  • Data warehousing

Rough set research community spans the entire globe. The established and emerging research communities have embraced the rough set theory as an important part of soft computing. Until this year, rough set conferences and workshops used to be held in Canada, China, Japan, Poland, Sweden, and United States. This year, there will be two rough set events held in Australia and Italy. There is a growing interest in rough set theory across India. Indian researchers have participated in the rough set conferences across the world. A number of Indian conferences consider the rough set theory as an important topic. However, there has not been an exclusive rough set event in India, until this year...