Latest News

October 2024: Congrats to Abdiaziz Aden Muse for the Science Atlantic Science Communication Award(CS category) 2024

May 2024: Congratulations to Amr Ghoneim for successfully defending his MSc thesis.

Lab Members & Collaborators

Dr. Jiju Poovvancheri
Associate Professor
Topic(s): 3D Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Remote sensing, Deep Learning

Dr. Yasushi Akiyama
Associate Professor & Affiliate Member
Topic(s): Information Visualization, Human Computer Interaction, Digital Creative tools, Multimodal Interaction

Prachi Kudeshia
PhD (Applied Science-CS)
Topological deep learning, Shape analysis, Point Cloud Processing

MSc (Applied Science-CS, Sept 2025, Co-supervision with Prof. Konstantinidis)
Topic(s): Computer Graphics, Procedural Grammars
Office: SH436

Susrita Chatterjee
MSc (Applied Science-CS)
Computer Vision, Linear object recognition

Baxter Madore
BSc (CS, Honors Thesis)
Machine Learning

Abdiaziz Aden Muse
BSc (CS), Research Intern
3D Computer vision

Varshitha Venkatesh
BSc (CS), Research Intern
Graph Machine Learning

Tooba Javed
BSc (CS), Research Intern
3D Computer vision

Past Thesis Supervisions (SMU)

Sumesh Thakur
MSc (Applied Science-CS, 2019-2021)
Thesis: Graph Attention Networks for Point Cloud Processing
Next Position: Perception Systems Engineer, JCA Technologies, Winnipeg

Vivek Kamra
MSc (Applied Science-CS, 2020-2022)
Feature Preserving Decimation of Urban Meshes

Mehfuz Rahman
MSc (Applied Science-CS, 2021-2023)
HyperInvoFusion: Depth Aware and Parameter Efficient Involution for Object Detection from RGB-D Images
Next Position:
Machine Learning Engineer, ReelData AI, Halifax

Amr Ghoneim
MSc (Applied Science-CS)
Thesis: Occlusion Aware Image Composition: Leveraging Depth Maps

Ayumu Saito
BSc (CS Honors Thesis, 2023-2024)
Point-JEPA: A Joint Embedding Predictive Architecture for Self-Supervised Learning on Point Clouds
Next Position:
Machine Learning Engineer, Reel Data AI, Halifax

Nikolaus Kollo
MSc (Applied Science-CS, 2021-2023, Co-supervision with Dr. Akiyama)
Thesis: Enhancing Satellite Trail Detection in Night Sky Imagery with Automatic Salience Thresholding
Current Position: Aeronautical Engineering Officer, Royal Canadian Air Force, Shearwater

Bivash Pandey
BSc (CS Honors thesis, 2021-2022)
Thesis: Exploring Local Delaunay Graphs based Neural Networks for 3D Object Detection
Next Position: Junior Software Developer, Arolytics, Halifax

Muhammad Altaf Agowun
BSc (CS Honors Thesis, 2023-2024)
Learning Disentangled Representations of Point Clouds via Alpha Complexes for 3D Shape Classification

Research Collaborators (Present/Past)

Dr. Dong Chen, Associate ProfessorNanjing Forestry University, P.R. China
Dr. Amal dev Parakkat, Assistant ProfessorTelecom, Paris, IP Paris, France
Dr. Stefan Ohrhallinger, ScientistTU Wein, Austria
Dr. Somayeh Arabinaree, Data science ManagerUnilever, Canada
Mr. David ColterImmersive Cinema Inc., Canada
Mr. Khushal Das, PhD StudentUnibersity of Calibria, Italy

Academic Consulting

  • Deep Learning based Real-time Object Recognition and Tracking for Immersive Training and Maintenance Applications, Modest Tree Media, 2021-
  • Optimization of Cab Lamp Locations on Hydraulic Excavator for Improved Illumination, Caterpillar India Pvt Ltd, 2014-2015
  • Spheremesh Tracker for VR Darkrides, Dreamcraft Attractions Ltd, Victoria, 2017-2018

Funding & Sources

Grants/Fellowships/Other (External & Internal)

  • NSBI, Productivity Innovation Vouchers (2022-23, 2024-25)
  • John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF), CFI 2022-24
  • Research Opportunities Fund, Research Nova Scotia, 2022-24
  • MITACS Accelerate Cluster Funding, 2020-2024(with Modest Tree, Halifax)
  • Discovery grant, NSERC of Canada, 2019-2026
  • SMUWorks grant, SMU, 2018-2022
  • FGSR grant,  SMU,  2018
  • Start up grant, Saint Mary’s University 2018
  • MITACS Elevate fellowship (with Dreamcraft Attractions, Victoria), 2018
  • EYES HIGH fellowship, University of Calgary, 2015-2017
  • Institute fellowship, IIT Madras, 2014-2015
  • MHRD PhD scholarship, 2011-2014

We are thankful to Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and Saint Mary’s University for the funding support, and NVIDIA for the GPU hardware support. A few past work of Dr. Jiju Poovvancheri were funded by MITACS, Dreamcraft Attractions, Victoria and University of Calgary (Eyes-high program). We are also thankful to other funders and supporters, e.g., Modest Tree Media Inc., Compute Canada, NSBI..

Open Positions…

PhD/MSc Theses

We have a funded position (1xPhD) to work on projects in graphics and spatial computing, especially under the theme ‘Interaction and navigation in virtual spaces’.  Potential topics include large-scale 3D content generation, e.g., detailed modeling of large-scale outdoor/indoor scenes, 3D mapping and navigation for VR applications, real-time reconstruction and occlusion handling, volumetric video editing, compression and rendering, deep learning based detection and tracking of dynamic objects etc.. Other  problems related to shape modeling, analysis and matching are also considered. Details regarding the PhD/MSc application procedure can be found here. Interested candidates may first send me an inquiry e-mail ( with relevant documents (pdf format) including CV and transcripts. 

Bachelor Theses/Summer Internship

Undergraduate students from SMU, who are interested in taking up research projects in either computer graphics, computer vision or deep learning or at the intersection of all the three as part of their BSc Honours programs are welcome to contact me. I always look for highly motivated students with a good academic record for summer positions under NSERC USRA/Research assistantship schemes. Undergraduate students are also encouraged to apply for summer/academic positions at GSC under SMUWorks grant.


Expert level knowledge in C++/Python; Strong background in linear algebra, geometry, numerical optimization and data structures and algorithms; Familiarity with the scripting languages (e.g., Python or Lua) which are used by modern deep learning frameworks; Strong motivation and dedication. The eligibility criteria may vary at different levels (PhD, MSc, BSc).

SMU and Halifax

More about the SMU campus and Halifax can be found here.

Past Project Supervision (SMU)

NameTopicProject/FundingYearWent to..
Abdiaziz Aden MuseLiDAR Data Acquisition and LabellingNSERC USRA2024
Jawadur RahmanPoint Cloud SegmentationNSERC USRA2023cont. @SMU
Sarosij BoseSkeleton Extraction for Motion CaptureMITACS GRI2022
Shaquille LynchPoint Cloud Feature ExtractionSMUWorks2022cont. @SMU
Praneetha RRGBD based Object DetectionMITACS2022
Angus AnthonyDeep Learning for Curve GenerationNSBI PIV & SMUWORKs2021cont. @SMU
Yi ZhengGAT for Point Cloud SegmentationMITACS GRI2021
Swaraj Shrestha2D ReconstructionResearch Proj.2021cont. @SMU
Owen SharpeProcedural Noise and SamplingNSERC DG2021University of Waterloo
Martin McLaren3D skeletons from Point CloudsSMUWorks2020University of Alberta
Sheldon TaylorProcedural Noise GenerationNSERC DG2020Amazon, Vancouver
Bivash PandeyShape Matching via a Modified Shape ContextSMUWorks2019-2020cont. @SMU
Seamus MacInnesMotion Tracking using Depth CamerasNSERC USRA2019, 2020Dalhousie University
Zesheng JiaProximity Graphs for Kinetic SettingNSERC DG 2019
Ayusha PradhangaGeometric Shape Extraction from 2D Point SetsDeans Award 2019Carleton University, Ottawa
Daniel DoucettSkeleton Extraction from Point CloudsResearch Proj.2018-2019Perennia, Nova Scotia

Mentorship (Other Institutes)

  • Naved, Masters in CS, University of Victoria (Co-supervision)
  • Arthur Firmino, Masters in CS, University of Victoria (Co-supervision)
  • Han Zheng, Research Project, University of Victoria (Co-supervision)
  • Chao Wang, Summer Intern, University of Calgary, (Co-supervision)
  • Anu G Krishnan, M.Tech, NITK & IIT Madras, (Co-supervision)
  • Amal Dev Parakkat, M.Tech CS, GEC Idukki & IIT Madras (Co-supervision)
  • Sujata Sinha, Summer Intern, IIT Madras, (Co-supervision)