Review of 1226 and 1228

CSCI 1226   CSCI 1228
Introduction Programs, Programming
Basics Program classes, Pseudo-code, Variables, Output, Input, Math
Branches if, if-else, if-else-if, booleans
Loops while, for, constants
Methods I void Methods: Calls, Definitions, Arguments, Parameters
Methods II Value-returning methods (functions)
Objects I Instance Variables, Constructors, Getters and Setters
Objects II toString, Class (static) Methods and Variables
Arrays I Arrays, Arrays of Objects, Objects with Arrays
Arrays II Arrays and Methods
History and Hardware Internals of the computer; how it came to be; where it might be going
Introduction Course overview; review of top-down programming, NetBeans, source vs. compiled code
Review of 1226 Variables, input, output, conditionals, loops, methods, arrays
Data Types Data-type classes, instance variables, constructors, getters, setters, static methods, throwing exceptions, arrays
GUIs Review of GUI; Inheritance in Swing
Inheritance Creating our own derived classes
Polymorphism What vs. How; Sorting using Comparable and Comparator
Lists The List interface, ArrayList and LinkedList types, Collections class
Exceptions Catching exceptions; creating our own exception classes
File I/O Reading and writing text files
Recursion What it is; how to think about it
Sample Code   Sample Code